Friday, November 18, 2011

14th July 1961

Hongkong & Shanghai Bk P.O Box 98 Jesselton Brit. N. Borneo My dear Mum & Dad, Your parcel arrived this week & I am very pleased with the handkerchiefs - thank you very much for them & for the socks for the children. I have been meaning to write to you for months but the days fly past & then I decided to wait until the enclosed photos were ready. We hope you will be as pleased with them as we are. The one of Elisabeth is exactly like her - you will notice a big difference in her. She is chubby all over even her legs so we are hopeful that she will eventually get some use back in them. Elisabeths arms are much better now but she still cannot lift them up very high when sitting up. However, she can sit up & has a lovely straight back. We are trying to get her into a crawling position but it is obviously a great strain so we can only try it for about a minute. You can just see E's front teeth in the photo - she really has three teeth now & we are expecting the 4th at any minute. The children all sleep very well - but when Elisabeth is cutting teeth she sometimes awakes about 4am & isn't content unless she can finish the rest of the night in my bed! This she thinks is a huge joke & spends about 1/2 fidgeting & giggling until she falls off to sleep again. Susan is very good with Elisabeth and tries to mother her! It is hard to imagine that Susan is only 2 as she is an old fashioned little miss & can hold long conversations with us all. She likes Peter to read a book to her before she goes to bed & as soon as I've tucked Elisabeth up, Susan always tells Peter 'Alright - you can finish now, goodnight'. Caroline, poor girl, has had a nasty boil right between the eyes which must have been very painful. It was unfortunate as it came the week she started at the Primary school. This was a very thrilling event & Caroline was terribly excited about having to wear a school uniform. It is a green dress, square neck, sleeveless bound with cream. On the first day, I took Caroline into the classroom - the second day as she was getting out of the car she took one look at the lawn over which she had to pass & saw all the big children & quickly turned to me & said 'You take me Mummy'. Now she is used to it & sets off quite happily. She has settled down very well & seems to enjoy all the lessons. Adrienne has improved too & whereas I expected trouble at the kindergarten without Caroline it was the reverse. Adrienne is very boastful about 'my little school' & she can actually draw an 'A'. Mind you she will draw an 'A' now when she's supposed to be doing 1 or 2! Adrienne has a very different nature from Caroline & Susan - it is very difficult for her to concentrate & she can seldom be bothered to listen to a story or the records. It looks as tho' we are going to have 2 of each type! Although Elisabeth sits for ages with a book & turns over each page very carefully. She can say several little words 'Daddy, Mummy, Pussy Cat, Night-Night, Bye-bye etc! The favourites are 'Wow, Wow' & 'Daddys Car' which she chants whenever a dog or our car comes along. Now that I can drive I find it a big help as I can take Elisabeth out with me & she sits up in the little chair you bought for Adrienne. This chair has been a godsend & now that I've had a new seat made & repainted it still has a long life ahead of it. Caroline is thrilled with her birthday presents & is very proud of her shorts & sweaters. They are a good fit - I like the white sweater very much & have kept it on one side as it will be nice for her next year. We haven't heard any news of leave so I am preparing myself for November '62 although it would be nice if we have a summer leave. Are you enjoying your warm weather - it will be nice to sit out in the garden. Elisabeth is ready for her afternoon walk & the others want to go to the beach so I must go & get myself ready. Love from us all & big kisses from the girls. Margo CAROLINE XXX (note:I presume I wrote this on the letter in block capitals with 3 kisses)

24th June 1961

Written on HSBC Jesselton airmail letter. Dear Mum Dad and Alan, Thank you for the lovely parcel for Caroline and the others, it was a beauty. Caroline had a fine birthday party with the children old enough for games and easier to look after than last year - about fourteen of them. We had purchased a fully equipped dolls house from the Haymes when they left and Margo had painted it up and fitted new curtains, Caroline was very thrilled. All the children at school made cards for her and she had quiet a selection in the end. Caroline goes to the big school on 1st July and Margo is making the uniform for her. Your holiday sounds grand and I wish I was there enjoying countryside. Instead I am in the office on a Saturday afternoon unpacking glassware. However, this is unusual and should not happen again as it is supposed to cover five years supply. We are nearing the half yearly balance once again and next month should be full of interest as I am going to stand in for the Accountant for three weeks whilst he relieves in Brunei. As a matter of fact this month of June is the first in six months that I have done my own job continually and even then I was on the Accountant's desk for 3 odd days. However, there is something for variety. The share market has taken a dump just when Carreras had reached 5/-. I have applied for some new shares in Hongkong. The issue is worth £1 million and has been oversubscribed 56 times! We are awaiting the result of the ballot and I am not optomistic! Tins have skyrocketted and rubbers look dull. Hope the rest of your holiday is enjoyable and the sun shines. Margo's mother's family came from the west country named Webb. I wonder if there is any connection? Cheerio for now and love from us all Peter.

30th May 61

HSBC, Jesselton, BNB Dear Mum, Dad and Alan, Thank you for your letter which once again was full of news. Donald's pending marriage seems to have collected complications alread - it is a pity a compromise cannot be arranged. We have known people with similar problems and it is upsetting. We would like to give a wedding present which is another job for you - unless cash would be in order, in which case how much? I must also have the date of the wedding in order to send a telegram. The dinner at G.H. was very pleasant. We were first met by the ADC who showed us the seating plan and told me who to take into dinner and Margo who the person was who would take her, then we went forward to be introduced to everyone - about 14 in all. A drink & then dinner and passing the port after the ladies had left. When we joined the ladies we split into two groups, one with Lady Goode & the other with HE for half and hour or so and then off. We left for Ranau the next day taking C & A who enjoyed the plane ride leave S & E behind with Mrs Ingham. It was very quiet up there with nothing to do except walk for a little way. We went along a jeep track to about 4000ft but it was very bumpy riding and nothing very special when we got to Kandasan as the big mountain was shrouded in mist. However, it made a change for a couple of days. The bank's Power of Attorney allows me to sign legal documents & do anything short of selling the bank. It is only usually given to persons with appointments and the main use of it is that it is registered here and I can make use of it in registering mortgages etc when the Accountant is away. Although it may be returned to H.O. when I am doing another job it will exist until I leave the bank and in itself it is a valuable document. I am now back in the office and being kept busy on many fiddling jobs. Just as I was about to leave this evening a main water pipe burst and as far as can be seen it will be a major job to replace. Typically there is only one water cock for the whole building & and toilets for a few hundred people will be out of action tomorrow. Tomorrow being 31st! Oh well! It will solve itself I hope in time for the next problem. Cheerio and love Peter.


Jesselton Dear Mum, Dad and Alan, Thank you very much for your letter - I must have received the one that you thought you had lost and you will have received my reply by now. Kenneth had better join the HSBC if he is without qualifications but I doubt whether this has any attraction for him. Children: presents; we seem to have a lot of records for the moment & The Pooh Bear one is particularly attractive so I think at some future date the Christopher Robin books would interest them. Adrienne still doesnt listen very closely so both she and Susan would like the simple ABC picture books or the picture books with just a little written underneath. The toys that you buy are well appreciated and it is best if I leave things to you to choose as I have no better idea. I know how difficult shopping can be and your parcels are so very good that it is obvious you put a lot of thought into doing them. Margo would like some handkerchiefs - Pyramid - coloured, if you can manage that. Yes, Elisabeth has two large front top teeth and I expect at least one more soon as she had a very restless night-this only happens at teething times and because the teeth are late there must be difficulty in breaking through the toughness of the gums. She is very happy apart form this and loves her swim in the sea. The left leg still shows no sigh of life and this might hold things up. Being able to sit for short while without any back support, please her. She does this by leaning on her arms and using her sense of balance. I am on holiday just now - playing golf and sitting in the sun. We are going up to Ranau for three days just to say we have been away and I hope to take a few photos. I have quite a number in the camera which are old, but taking the last two or three is holding me up on developing. Margo is busy making a long evening dress for the dinner at Government House on Monday. A big circus has come to town & C.A are to go. They are looking forward to this and I am hoping that it will be worth while. They lost two elephants in Sandakan as they somehow became entangled in a live wire in their compound, but a lot of other animals should amuse them. We all hope you have an enjoyable holiday in Ross with fine weather. I am enclosing a cheque for £2 which is unimaginative, but please buy something you would like with it or have a day out on your birthday. Cheerio for now and love from us all Peter

Sunday, April 3, 2011

6th May 1961


Dear Mum Dad and Alan,

I am late in writing this time because of a short revisit to Beaufort for the end of the month and have not been able to find energy to write after a day in the office. The rain has started again and for the most part this is beneficial but usually the evening is muggy. Your parcel arrived safely and the pyjamas and records were just what i wanted - thank you very much indeed for taking so much trouble, I do appreciate it a lot. Beaufort is going very well in that it has run without me and without snags. They handle Current & Savings accounts, Loans, remittances and many other odds and ends. It taught me a lot of things in a hurry and I also found I had to draw on memory of events way back. I went back for 2 days to help them with their month end returns and expect that in future someone else will go up on monthly inspections as I am booked to understudy the accountant in June for a three week relief job in July. Also I have two weeks local leave this month when we hope to go to Ranau for a few days. This is a very quiet spot in the interior which is supposed to be cool.

You appear to pack more and more into your daily life and weekly letter than ever - from museums to wills. I imagine you without time to sit down. I am not to have the "appointment" because I am too junior! But I have got the desk allowance and the Bank's Power of Attorney. It is all very odd and I have not heard of such a thing happening before. but as I cannot in anyway question the matter I do not supposed I shall ever know the real reason for it. It is certainly a strange sort of job after the Books routine. I spent one morning last week going over the bank building with the architect & then obtaining estimates for running repairs etc. We have a dozen or so offices overhead which we lease and thins require repairs all the time from WC doors jamming to touching up the paintwork in the lifts & leaks in the roof after a heavy rain. This afternoon (Saturday) I have unpacked £500 worth of crockery being 5 years supply to the entitled housed in the 3 territories. The next thing is to pack part of it and ship it off & get it on to the inventories. £500 worth of glassware is to arrive next month! There are no packing facilities or extra staff to handle this sort of thing & normal work must go on so it is all extra time to be given up. I do not mind it for the most part, but there is nothing to show for it in the end. One thing, the people between the Mess standard & accountants are now to be given their own crockery, glassware & cutlery & kitchen ware. It is not up to the standard or quantity of the other, but will be a great help. I am ordering it now & expect it will arrive in a year's time. So perhaps next tour we shall be able to leave some of our stuff packed up. The stock market seems higher than ever but my shares have just not responded to it and I have lost interest for the time being. Hope Carreras produces a good end year result otherwise 1962 is going to be a long time to wait for. The rubber price has been firm at 90 cents for a few weeks & anything above 80 cents should give Bangowan a reasonable trading profit - I think they must have a good year. Margo has spent a very busy day with the Red Cross selling on a magazine and book stall in part of their annual bazaar. Apparently there was such a rush that they had to fight off a mob. They sold (2 ladies) all the books most at 10 cents each & raised over $250. The great news of the week which I have left till last is that Margo has passed her driving test! Freda Ingham took her out time after time & Margo passed easily - as she should have done the first time she took it in Jesselton. Ever since she has been out and about in the car and is busier than ever. Wee took the Ingham's out to dinner - Steak & a bottle at our air conditioned eatery & afterwards to the Golf Club where the US Navy gave a band show & dance. Margo went on the heavy cruiser USS St Paul in harbour here & took Adrienne & had an amazing morning sightseeing. That night we were at a cocktail party at H. E (Gov House) to meet the officers. There were Captains & Admirals all over the place and a very cheery bunch. They were all down here on the SEATO exercise and we have had helicopters and other weird aircraft overhead for a few days.

Cannot hold the pen anymore. All our love expecially from the girls.

13th April 1961

Written on HSBC Beaufort airmail letter

Dear Mum Dad and Alan,

I have not received a letter for some time but expect there is one waiting for me in Jesselton. I return in two days time having completed the job I came for. The opening was an exciting affair. When I first arrived the contractors were still in the building and the first conferences were held in the dirt street. We got in in the evening before the opening and unpacked the desks and stationery to make the place look like a bank. At 9 am we set off the firecracker which made a five minute explosion and covered the road with red paper and the new paint with soot. Twenty minutes later when the smoke had cleared from the interior we were able to reenter the office and phone through that we were operating. The two managers from Jesselton came down in the evening and we had a party for 200 people in the Beaufort Club which was quite successful despite a large proportion of the guests not being in a position to write let alone run a banking account. However, we have progressed steadily since then and although nothing startling has occurred we have opened several accounts of different types and have our first loans & overdrafts approved by Jessleton. I expect to come down periodically to see how things are going. The train journey is hot & tedious and the Rest House very utility. The place has no attraction whatsoever although business wise it should grow and if a few roads are built out to civilisation the place itself may improve. I have not received official confirmation of S/Acct and am unlikely to do so now - however, I am being paid for the job & that is all that matters. I am of course curious to know why they have changed the system but I guess the ways of Head Offices have to remain mysterious. The family are all well & a visiting physiotherapist was pleased with E. progress and had some suggestions to make.

Cheerio for now and all my love, Peter

Friday, April 1, 2011

24th March 61

PO Box 76,

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Firstly very many thanks for your parcel - it was really magnificent and the children looked very smart in their shorts. Both Susan and Elisabeth enjoyed their birthdays, although we did not arrange special parties for them. Secondly, your letter about your water-heater beats the experiences we have had with Beaufort. I am not there yet but go on 27th and open on 29th. The contractors have not finished, the safe door handle has broken, some stationery is missing and there hasn't been any time to train the staff. As far as I tell I am the only person worried about it so, as usual, I should not be. Anyway the waiting is almost over and in a week's time I guess we will see the results. I shall come back to Jesselton for Easter then spend 2/3 weeks in B. My appointment is not through yet - but as I am receiving the desk allowance I am not at all concerned. Roans have gone up, presumably on Sir Roy's acceptance of the N. Rod. constitution. My other interests are also graded upwards for the moment but am still doubtful about the rest of the year. I did not obtain 'Tonibell' which went to 80% premium! What an issue that was. Ian Macleod, who was teaching me bridge in Calcutta, is coming here in Nov as Accountant, so with Peter Hammond in Towan, Ken Rice in Sandakan, all to come this year, we shall have 4 people from my time in Calcutta in North Borneo. I cannot remember who Ethel Webb is or was. It is very hot here and difficult to do anything and am soaking wet all day, everyone else is the same and with the usual frustrations all day long, things do not progress as well as they might. A good storm should arrive soon and then we can relax. Hope your heater is in now and all is well. I will not know the house on leave, will I?

Love from us all and Best Wishes,
The odd writing is due to a bent pen!

8th March 1961

The Hongkong Bank
Jesselton N.B.

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Thank you for your letter. I ought to have written before because so much has happened that I am bound to leave something out. John Lewis arrived a week ago last Friday (25 Feb) and I met him on the ship and his wife and one small baby. Ships are difficult things to meet here and this one stood off all day before finally coming alongside at 5 pm. They were to stay for two days at the Inghams' house before moving in to ours and I finally got them ashore with mountains of luggage. Luckily I had previously arranged a lorry. The next day, Saturday the Manager was due to (a Praying Mantis just landed on my head) sail in a club race and the Accountant had not returned from sick leave so I met the Shanghai manager also on a ship and gave Margo 1/2hr notice for lunch. He was very interesting with storys of present day China & I fitted him up with evening kit for a party he was due to attend that night. The next day two lorrys arrived and we commenced our move to the new house - lock, stock and barrel. We had previously moved two lorry loads including flowers & orchids [Oh! I forgot to mention the four prizes Margo won at the flower show the previous afternoon ($25 in all)] and we were in the house fairly done in by midday. Everyone seems happy including the servants who had to move with us. The children love it and so do we. It is in a grand location and it is palatial - will send photos soon. Mason Nelson, the broker friend of mine arrived from Singapore and we had dinner and as you can imagine talked a great. He though Carreras worth holding for some time to come. Saw Duncan Leach off on the Sunday. All this time have been trying hand over to Lewis (poor chap he has had a rough introduction to books) do my own job and continue to get on with opening Beaufort. Ordering such things as a strong room door, toilet paper and a 25 foot firecracker - besides all the rubber stamps ledgers cheque books etc etc. And writing instructions on how it should run. I shall be glad to get up there so that I only have one thing to think about. Though once I have ordered a Bank Flag and a Clock I think most things will be complete. Have ordered some Tonibell - ice-cream people with an issue on 7th. Won't know how many I will get, but I had heard vague talk about them and one customer made an order. I still think Roan's are a good risk. After all - despite the trouble going on around them all this time they still have not had as much as a strike. There was a local (Singapore) marking for Bangarwan at 1/3d done yesterday. I was interested in BATU TIGA when at 5/9d but did not buy. They are now at 7/9d and Mason Nelson thinks they may go down as he considers some recent take-over bidders will not succeed. He said they are a very good company - good cash reserves and lots of new hight yielding rubber. There is a chance that part of their land will have to be sold for development - airport district but the price should be very worthwhile. I think a buy at 6/6d or less would be good provided one ensured the reason for the drop was not adverse. A share to watch and I can get a report at anytime in the future should you require one.

The children are fit and Elizabeth is moving the right leg a wee bit. The left leg is still not doing anything but time will tell.

All our love and best wishes, Peter.
(I still have not had the confirmation of my new job but expect they are waiting for a Board meeting - as long as they dont forget!)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

15th Feb 1961

Written on HSBC airmail letter from Jesselton.

Dear Mum, Dad & Alan,

Well, Happy Chinese New Year! The servants are off for two days, the crackers are still going - they went on right through the night like an ack-ack barrage. The shops are closed & the Chinese clubs are full of licensed gamblers clutching bundles of notes. The children received "Ang Pows" this year from the servants. Money wrapped in red packets & small toys. They were very pleased, as I think they though Christmas had started all over agin. This afternoon I found a "Dragon Dance" for them at a nearby village with more crackers flying through the air. A. was scared and stayed in the car, but C & S did not mind and we did not go too near as I am not all that keen on explosives and these things have quite a loud and repeatative bang!

The office has become more organised - I am no longer acting accountant (I was acting manager for two hours at one stage) but am now back to the job that I am not supposed to be starting until 26th Feb. However, while all this had been happening we have been planning opening a new office at BEAUFORT and I am to open it and run it for 3/4 weeks in April, until the Chinese Agent is happy about doing it himself. I will involve periodic visits after I return to Jesselton and it will all prove most interesting provided that I can find the time to plan the innumerable details which should be concluded here before the great day. Beaufort is 50 miles by rail from here and takes 3 to 4 hours of slow motor to get to. I do not expect conditions there to be much better than primitive and three weeks will be enough. The new manager visited it on tour and said one day was enough for him! However, there is business there and no other bank so it may prove to be worthwhile.

Carreras did not improve after that last announcement, Roans have disappointed after that move over 6/-. I wish I had some bank shares - they look as if they will go to £100. I sold one at £60 last year.

Love from us all - we are all fit and well though busy Peter.

2nd February 1961

Written on HSBC airmail letter from Jesselton.

Dear Mum Dad and Alan,

Many thanks for your letter. Our new Borneo Manager has arrived and left. He is to visit all the offices of the territories before finally taking over here. I met him originally in Singapore on my first tour and he is a sound chappy. I don't blame you for not understanding my work! I don't! However, Odling arrives tomorrow for 3 weeks and will do my old & new job whilst I do the Accountant's job. The nearest equivalent to Accountant is Chief Clerk in Barclays but I will not get such an appointment in fact, for at least five years, especially as it is a higher paid number compared with other officers. The present holder has double my seniority. However, it is quite good fun although I look forward tot he time when I do the new job of Sub Acct which is known generally thoughout the bank as "i/c Drains" (Because property and thus drainage, is something I receive the complaints on.) This might happen in March/April although I hope to commence to receive payment for it in March. This is something like being a Lance Corporal in the army and is not a permanent appointment. Thank you for Reg's address - it is the first time you have given it though you had mentioned he had moved. Pity we did not buy Bank shares! I think Acorn is right about 1961 particularly after reading Kennedy's address and any doubtful shares should be sold if they show a fair price during the spring. How are Bangowan doing as I have not see any prices lately. Rubber is well down but could react sharply on renewed Russian/Chinese buying & I expect a recovery in latter part 1961/62. On shares, last week I just managed to stop a customer buying less shares at what he though were marked 17/-but in fact were £17! Happy days. It gives some insight into the difficulties of being a stock-broker. The commonest affair is when a customer thinks he can obtain "buying" prices when a seller, and lots of disappointment results. Once again I am in a rush but when this hectic period is over I expect to enter on to a new one of different nature again so will not be bored for some considerable time. Please do not mention my activities to anyone else as they are liable to be misunderstood - better to wait until it is all over and my name has appeared in the Staff list.

Love Peter

Friday, January 28, 2011

Jan 61

The Hongkong Bank, Jesselton

Dear Mum Dad and Alan,

Many things for your letter, I am pleased you liked the photos. The group was a lucky shot - there are so many faces to get pointing the right way. E does like the sea now and does not mind the odd splash. She is an effort to hold though as she wriggles her trunk with great energy. The new TV set sound grand. There are so many on the market it must be difficult to choose. We intend getting one on the next leave, particularly if it is in winter. We were over our parties until this weekend when the new Chief Manager and Staff Inspector "to be", arrived. They were both in good form and very relaxed. On Saturday, we saw them at lunch at Accts' house. I played 18 holes of golf with them immediately afterwards, then a rush change and a cocktail party at Manager's house, then we went straight on (at 8.30pm) to dinner with friends - it was a farewell to people we know and bed at 1.30 am. Up with the children & to the beach where the Police Band played then a Curry lunch then golf. It was early to bed last night and I slept very soundly. They left this morning and we have resumed our normal existence.

The Acct had a burst appendix last week and is making a good recovery. But we will not see him in the office until the end of Feb. Duncan Leach is off on 3 weeks relief to Sibu tomorrow, so the net result is that I have my new job, my old job plus the outer office to see to. It will be a busy time but not as bad as it sounds as the manager will assist to a large extent. My relief may arrive a little earlier than originally planned. It depends on H.O.reply to our request for help. Susan is carrying on delightful conversations. We now understand a lot of what she says though I am unable to reproduce the sounds she uses. She is the one to be in all sorts of trouble now and Adrienne is greatly improved. Any liquid in a bottle is likely to end up all over the place including ink. Acorn continues to say 1961 is going to show a drop in the market and I have sold Standard at 10/- and Court here at nearly 12/-. Shall continue to hold Carreras, Roan and Bradford Dyers as they have yet to show their true form. I was impressed with the Carreras report. They have yet to show a Year's full results on the new factory and end 1961 should be interesting. They seem firm at 4/5 middle. A stock broker friend of the manager was here last week and he recommended picking up any Blue Chip rights' issues that owners, who could not obtain overdrafts because of the credit squeeze, would be relinquishing and depressed prices. However, if the whole market is to go down there should be a lot of cheap buys in first class stock.

This is all for now as I have other letters to write. Ian & Emma - Dorothy & Donald all seem in good form.

Cheerio & love from us all


January 6th 1961

Written on HSBC Jesselton air mail letter.

My dear Mum & Dad,

I have been meaning to write to you ever since I returned here but what with one thing & another I just couldn't settle down to it. You will have received the photos by now so you will see how Elisabeth has grown. She really is quite a weight. When I was at the Clinic a month ago she weighted 22 lbs 9 ozs & we are due to go agin on Tuesday so I shall see if she has gained . I've no doubt she will have as E eats very well & has passed the strained food stage even tho' she hasn't any teeth! Now I give her a biscuit or rusk & she can hold it herself - & demolishes it in no time.

Thank you so much indeed for the lipstick. Which is a lovely shade - & what a nice idea the case is - especially for me as I never seem to have a mirror with me. The girls were thrilled with their presents - we thought the saucepans lovely. Dorothy & Donald sent Adrienne a toy shop so she was able to add the contents of her shopping bag to the store & now she solemnly weights packets on the scales & sells them to C & S.

Caroline & Adrienne start kindergarten on Tuesday & I shall be quite pleased to have the house quiet for a while in the mornings. We usually have another child here for the day (either C or A's friend) so there is always someone shouting or crying! Susan still sleeps in the morning & E has a short nap. I find that she doesn't sleep much during the day but I can't complain as she goes to bed at 6 pm & we seldom get a sound out of her before 7 am. Now that E sits in the chair (the car seat which you bought) she is very happy as she can look around & chatters away to herself & can say 'Dad - dad'. I am trying to sort things out to pack for our move to the beach. We are all looking forward to the change.

Love from us all Margo.