Friday, January 28, 2011

Jan 61

The Hongkong Bank, Jesselton

Dear Mum Dad and Alan,

Many things for your letter, I am pleased you liked the photos. The group was a lucky shot - there are so many faces to get pointing the right way. E does like the sea now and does not mind the odd splash. She is an effort to hold though as she wriggles her trunk with great energy. The new TV set sound grand. There are so many on the market it must be difficult to choose. We intend getting one on the next leave, particularly if it is in winter. We were over our parties until this weekend when the new Chief Manager and Staff Inspector "to be", arrived. They were both in good form and very relaxed. On Saturday, we saw them at lunch at Accts' house. I played 18 holes of golf with them immediately afterwards, then a rush change and a cocktail party at Manager's house, then we went straight on (at 8.30pm) to dinner with friends - it was a farewell to people we know and bed at 1.30 am. Up with the children & to the beach where the Police Band played then a Curry lunch then golf. It was early to bed last night and I slept very soundly. They left this morning and we have resumed our normal existence.

The Acct had a burst appendix last week and is making a good recovery. But we will not see him in the office until the end of Feb. Duncan Leach is off on 3 weeks relief to Sibu tomorrow, so the net result is that I have my new job, my old job plus the outer office to see to. It will be a busy time but not as bad as it sounds as the manager will assist to a large extent. My relief may arrive a little earlier than originally planned. It depends on H.O.reply to our request for help. Susan is carrying on delightful conversations. We now understand a lot of what she says though I am unable to reproduce the sounds she uses. She is the one to be in all sorts of trouble now and Adrienne is greatly improved. Any liquid in a bottle is likely to end up all over the place including ink. Acorn continues to say 1961 is going to show a drop in the market and I have sold Standard at 10/- and Court here at nearly 12/-. Shall continue to hold Carreras, Roan and Bradford Dyers as they have yet to show their true form. I was impressed with the Carreras report. They have yet to show a Year's full results on the new factory and end 1961 should be interesting. They seem firm at 4/5 middle. A stock broker friend of the manager was here last week and he recommended picking up any Blue Chip rights' issues that owners, who could not obtain overdrafts because of the credit squeeze, would be relinquishing and depressed prices. However, if the whole market is to go down there should be a lot of cheap buys in first class stock.

This is all for now as I have other letters to write. Ian & Emma - Dorothy & Donald all seem in good form.

Cheerio & love from us all


January 6th 1961

Written on HSBC Jesselton air mail letter.

My dear Mum & Dad,

I have been meaning to write to you ever since I returned here but what with one thing & another I just couldn't settle down to it. You will have received the photos by now so you will see how Elisabeth has grown. She really is quite a weight. When I was at the Clinic a month ago she weighted 22 lbs 9 ozs & we are due to go agin on Tuesday so I shall see if she has gained . I've no doubt she will have as E eats very well & has passed the strained food stage even tho' she hasn't any teeth! Now I give her a biscuit or rusk & she can hold it herself - & demolishes it in no time.

Thank you so much indeed for the lipstick. Which is a lovely shade - & what a nice idea the case is - especially for me as I never seem to have a mirror with me. The girls were thrilled with their presents - we thought the saucepans lovely. Dorothy & Donald sent Adrienne a toy shop so she was able to add the contents of her shopping bag to the store & now she solemnly weights packets on the scales & sells them to C & S.

Caroline & Adrienne start kindergarten on Tuesday & I shall be quite pleased to have the house quiet for a while in the mornings. We usually have another child here for the day (either C or A's friend) so there is always someone shouting or crying! Susan still sleeps in the morning & E has a short nap. I find that she doesn't sleep much during the day but I can't complain as she goes to bed at 6 pm & we seldom get a sound out of her before 7 am. Now that E sits in the chair (the car seat which you bought) she is very happy as she can look around & chatters away to herself & can say 'Dad - dad'. I am trying to sort things out to pack for our move to the beach. We are all looking forward to the change.

Love from us all Margo.