Thursday, January 5, 2012

14th Sept. 1961

H. & S. B. C. Jesselton Dear Mum and Dad, Thank you for your letter, I am not surprised that you are missing a few letters I have been slack lately. There should be one at home for you and I hope this will reach you on the second week of your holiday. Alan's trip will be full of interest and mid-day picnice are most sensible. I am glad Dad has the watch and strap and will send a cheque in another letter in case this goes astray. Am sorry I had not mentioned anything for Adrienne, but it is only recently that she has asked for a golliwog and perhaps you can note this for Christmas. Re Donald's wedding present - an awful lot comes under the heading of essentials these days and one must be careful what one gives to an artist (the colour could be right out!). A good "Salt Pepper & Mustard" set in silver might be in order and if Dad remembers where "Posterns" is, near where Cannon St used to be you might be able to see something for me. We had a successful buffet supper at home last night as a farewell to the secretary who has been here three years - a fat turkey & ham which is going to last some time - all the arrangements went well and we were lucky to have a breeze blowing off the sea as it has been very hot lately. The share market is still on the way down and if it were not for leave next year I would be looking for some cheap purchases. But from all reports it is unlikely that there will be a speedy recovery. A crystal ball would be very useful. Acorn gave Royal Insurance last month at 160/- and they have gone down to 154/-. I too wonder about Roans but N. Rhodesia is still very troubled and no one is optimistic about the copper price. But it is worth watching events. Nothing else much to write about - the children are in good form and have gone off to sleep with little fuss tonight. Cheerio and Love from us all, Peter


Written on an airmail letter which has had something spilled on it and so difficult to read, hence a few question marks on this post. Dear Mum, Dad & Alan, I am developing into a shocking correspondent! Have been promising myself that I would write a proper letter instead of my usual scribble but nothing has come of this resolution. I can blame the weather or the whole series of entertainments which have occurred and still are to occur. Of course nothing unusual happens these days to stir one up to energetic writing except that of events with the children. Elisabeth continues her jolly way and a few more words become apparent in her conversation. Peter Hammond who was with me in Calcutta passed through on his way to Taiwan after leave and we are entertaining his wife this evening as she is following by sea. Ken Rice too will be here with us this weekend, going to Saudakan. We also have the Mayors (?) for a day on their way to Kuching. A burst of activity occurred (?) because I had two old Penang friends through recently and they of course necessitated get togethers and a few beers. To list all the social round would be a bore, though I find it pleasant I wish it would spread out a bit more. I have no doubt that in a few weeks we shall be sitting still and wondering what to do until the next round commences. We have even missed our usual bridge evenings which is a pity because we need practice but shall arrange something soon. It must be nearing Donald's wedding and wonder if you have any idea what I should do for a present. I think something ordered from London and delivered direct would be best. Any ideas? Weather is warming up here and I guess it is cooling down ?? The share market looks cool enough and am still hoping for some better showing before leave next year. Saw a report on Roans, profit down quite a bit. The rubber price is up a few cents whilst Berlin etc is on and whilst Bangowan may not show an extraordinary result Malay it should be quite good. Rothman's are making a $1 issue in Malaya at the end of the year and this should be OK on long term provided the political situation remains stable. Love from us all Peter.

15th July 1961

Written on HSBC airmail letter Jesselton Dear Mum, Dad and Alan, Many thanks for your letter and the history of Mrs & Miss Webb, I expect I shall forget it again but I do remember that you had told me before. Your card for Caroline arrived quite safely as did the handkerchiefs for Margo, she was very pleased with them indeed. Sorry to hear about Mr & Mrs Loose (editor - not sure about spelling) - give them our regards and hope that an improvement takes place soon. Donald would have returned to Scotland by now and I shall be hearing about his news from you in your next letter. Caroline likes her new school and Adrienne I think enjoys going to her school by herself and has improved being senior to the newcomers this year. Susan is still very much of a personage in her own right and is very self contained. There have been further minor improvements in Elisabeth and she is full of fun and energy. We are trying to obtain a rocker which I think will be very useful for her to sit and play in, from Singapore - they did not have it in Hongkong. The share market once again looks very sad with dismal predictions and I am losing hope for any of my interests unless Carreras pull something out of the hat. Even Premium Bonds have done nothing to compensate though there is always a chance something will come up. Have been continuing with my odd jobs in the office - the latest being to do with the aquiring of an odd strip of land next to our house and writing to the Town Board to complain about the drains. I find it quite tiring now in this stage of a tour and hot weather is flattening in a very hot office, but expect to get my second wind soon and brighten up again. The next three weeks should keep my nose to the grindstone, and put my own work even further behind. I used to pride myself in always being up to date but that seems to be a thing of the past. However, there is always something new happening which is as it should be. Cheerio for now and love from us all Peter