Wednesday, February 12, 2014

9th August 1963

The Hongkong Bank
Hong Kong

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Thank you for your letter with all your news - I hope you have the photos.  Elisabeth in her new walker was showing off that morning.  Yes, thank you - the £3 will cover both presents.  Margo purchased a very good leather frame which looks most attractive.

Congratulations! Alan, on your engagement and our Best Wishes to Janet also.  I should write separately but at least this way I get something on paper.  The girls will be thrilled to get another aunt as they only have one up to now.  Can we have a photograph in due course please.

Our new reservoir will not increase the water supply as it must rain first to fill it up.  We have 3 1/2 thousand million gallons at the moment and must reach 7,500,000,000 before the end of September - this is in addition to a minimum daily consumption of 40,000,000 gallons each day.  Actually, the population will outstrip any new planned storage and they will have to convert seawater.  Many means are under discussion but the cost is high and the talk around the subject will take several years before anything is done.

The girls are on holiday at the moment and all four went to the pictures to-day to see "Flipper".  Margo said it was wonderful, the main actor being a real live dolphin, who, apart from everything else that it does, can laugh!  Adrienne has the new bricks in her class and I hope it helps - also I hope the next schook use them, otherwise confusion is going to set in.  Mt Charlotte were tipped by Acorn in July so they must be a good thing to hold on to.

I am looking through another set of the photos I sent, do you see Caroline's watch?  It still goes and she can nearly tell the time.  The Wendy house was purchased from someone going on leave and the jeep which is Elisabeth's was bought in a second hand market and is very strong.  The place they are playing in is the verader to C & As bedroom, which is through the door on the left.  Elisabeth's in the lounge which does not look to best advantage, as I have not focused for the background.  The lounge is 3 times the area shown, with another verander to the right, where we sit overlooking the harbour.  In the scene with Margo, the pram is held to prevent the pram blowing away - Signal No 3 was up!

The reservoir near us is 1/2 full and is in picturesque surroundings.  What do you think of the dog - we were very lucky to have one so well behaved - he is no trouble at all and very playful.

Cheerio for now and love from us all,


2nd July 1963

The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank
Hong Kong

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

We are in heavy cloud again and have had a downpour today - 1 inch, but for all the cloud one would expect a lot more water.  Typhoon TMX, which was coming straight at us veered off to meet the China coast 150 miles east of here.  Storm warning No 3 went up for all day Sunday and precautions were taken.  All vessels that could went into the typhoon shelter and the big fellows went to typhoon anchorages and got up steam.  We shut all windows and hammered down the catches and got very hot and sticky.  After all that it did not come and we did not get the 10 or so inches of rain a typhoon might have brought to us.

Margo has met another snake.  Bringing a crowd of children back from school, there it was on the drive.  8 feet long and pretty thick, chasing birds.  She did not wish to run over it because it might have run up into the car.  Whilst she was thinking about it the snake ran off into a grating.  It was not seen by anyone else and has not returned.

You do not mention how long you intend to spend in Ross but assume a week or so.  Richard engaged is news and shall be interested to know details.

Alan has got the right idea although to go one better, why not take both girls along at the same time?

Having a film developed - it has been in the camera for ages so hope it comes out.  It is black and white as I need the copies to send around.

This writing on wet paper with thick pen is not easy so will not try anymore.

Cheerio and Love,

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

27th June 1963

The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Thank you for your letter concerning Reg.  I wrote to Maud by return post.  As you say he has been ill for a very long time but one imagined he would go on for some time yet.

We are continuing to struggle with our water shortage - I can wash all over in 1/2 basin and we manage to last 4 days before water is turned on again.  A little rain has fallen but we now need about 40 inches to catch up and provide a store for next winter and this amount is not expected.

Caroline's birthday was a great excitement and success.  She had a watch, a bride doll, dresses, books etc and was very thrilled.  Her party went well on the Monday following - she even had a Japanese girl as a guest.

We went on a launch picnic on Sunday as it was my turn for the Bank boat, the 'Wayfoong".  Took two other couples and had fun at Rocky Harbour, the other side of Kai Tak (airport) - near Gin Druiker's Bay, past Junk Bay - if you have a map.  It was very hot and we were a bit scortched but we all had fun.

Caroline is learning tables - is up to her 4 times.  Remembering how you had to teach me much later on I have been encouraging her to say them at breakfast.

Have first scribbled this off quickly as the days are passing in wet fashion again and I know I will not just sit down at night.  We shal be into the half year's work next month and we have been here for 8 months now - still no news of a change from this present job.

Love from us all
Peter xxx

12th June 1963

The Hongkong & Shanghai Bank

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Thank you for your letter.  We are all fit as far as colds go but Margo has had a bad back.  After a complete check and X-ray it has, in effect, been put down to old age, which is not very complimentary.  However, she is to have some massage and heat treatment which we hope will ease matters.  Saw Merchant Venturer came second in the Derby.  I fancied it by name but did nothing.  It is still hot and sticky here with still no rain.  I am comfortable in the office with very efficient airconditioning and find the difference rather overpowering when coming home.  Am at present inspecting one of the Hongkong Office departments, which is a change and provides lots of interest.  The department is run by eight officers and up to a hundred clerks, handling imports, so you can imagine that it is fairly complex.

We now have the walker which is a success.  Also a Wendy House bought from someone going on leave.  Big enough for two children to go into.  And a pedigree spaniel Shan, who came from downstairs, also on leave.  So we are now six plus three servants, one child, one kitten and one dog.  (The wash amah is also expecting a baby).  So it is lucky that the flat is big.

Thank you for Caroline's present -we have something in mind.  A garden of flowers and things which can be rearranged in plastic.  Will let you know the cost eventually.  Talking about inspections, I was all set for Manila and Iloilo.  Had my visa and ticket.  But it was cancelled a the last moment.  It would have been an eventful two weeks as I know a few people in both places.

My latest craze is snorkel and flippers.  Spend hours watching crabs and fish.  The flippers are very powerful and can go quite fast with one child on my back.

Hope the ink has not smudged too much this paper is damp.

Love from us all