Thursday, March 12, 2009



Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Many thanks for your letter and family tree, it covers enough for Margo's tree in the book. I am sure that I thanked you for my Christmas presents - they did arrive safely and have been well read. I cannot pretend towards anything but the latest murder mystery which we obtain in paper backed editions. I find, apart from these, that I am interested in a near factual historical novel - or pure history. Arther Bryant is very good and anything of his published since 1955 would be enjoyed. I think I have read most of his on Pepys, but believe he started a History of England series though I have forgotten the titles. Hope you can hire a projector when the film arrives - I know it can be done, perhaps one of Alan's people at work will know if he asks around. Fancy Rumania paying out on the oil shares - I wonder why? Now that I am busy share enquiries are an impossibility - guess Ian is more in a position to be reliable - wait till I am working in Securities in Singapore or Hongkong and I may have better knowledge. Amused at your phrase re Stilliard & London as "something to aim at" because their is nothing to aim at in our organisation - it just happens - for such a varity of reasons it is not worth even considering - merely the availability of accommodation at a particular branch may sit one on a course to promotion or the other way around. It is difficult to explain but there are only 250 on the staff with a large proportion on leave at any one time and for rest 1/3 = positions, 1/3 = in the middle, 1/3 = juniors.
and I am nearly at the top of the bottom 1/3 now. With 2 to 3 tours to go before I start looking around. Meanwhile, there is a lot to learn and conditions change faster than we can put them on paper. Dick Lloyd, who is to be Accountant in Colombo is 40 years old and still amongst several of his seniority without an appointment. Its the job you have at 48 or 50 which counts and I am not looking that far ahead (I'm not 30 yet!)

Saw Hitchcock's 'Dial M for Murder' this evening - he is brilliant. It was like a book and a play in one with all the touches that only he presents so delightfully - Very relaxing.

Frank and Avril Thomas have the Christening for Judith on Sunday next and I am reeling off my second film for them. It will be a morning service and so plenty of light - I hope it comes out as well as in the first one.

Ian Sillars wrote with all his news. Elaine's late teeth and early walking may be copied by Caroline. She is standing with support in pram and cot and fully and universally mobile in four legs. "Da da has been a theme song for the past few weeks and we are trying to switch to mama -.

Cannot write more, my pen hand is failing.

Love to you all,
Margo, Peter & Caroline

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