Monday, October 8, 2012

Sunday 11th November, 1962

The Hongkong and Shanghai BC

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Thank you for your first letter of this new tour.  The sea trip ended well.  Susan had two days in the ship's hospital with suspected measles, but it was only a chest infection which cleared up neatly before arrival.  We were met by friends who had everything arranged and got off the Chusan on the mainland quay and stepped on to the bank launch, "Wayfoong" to cross to Hong Kong island.  Then by large American car up and up, 1400 feet to our flat in a block known as "Fung Shui".  We are on the second floor by lift and find it to be large enough for our needs with three bedroom, three bathrooms, three wardrobe rooms with dehumidifing dryers, large lounge, dining room, kitchen, service space, very long hallway and extensive verander balconies.  We are in no way cramped and the children have settle happily form the word 'go'.  Caroline is already at school nearby but Adrienne could not get in and starts this coming week down below.  A nuisance this as Margo will have to take her by Peak Tram.  Time and money consuming - but there is a chance for her to join the Peak School at the end of next year.  They have plenty of playroom outside in the garden where a big firework display was held for them last week.  The weather is cold a the moment and cloud is down obscuring our magnificent view.  We are immediately above the bank and can see the harbour, mainland and the airdrome runway and at night this is a fabulous glitter of lights.  One can sit and watch fifty or more ships - planes taking off and landing - naval craft coming and going.  The place itself is crowded and there is much traffic.  Shops are not easy to get to but there are so many of them once there it is dazing and expensive.  Margo has been very busy with the schooling arrangements and has even managed most of the Christmas cards.  I have finally had the photos developed and one or two fo the children are OK; apart from sending you a set I will send the negatives to Alan so that if any are good enough he may like to enlarge.  I have only been "around town" twice so far and have seen very little - it is tiring on the feet as ones has to walk most places and there are streets on streets and arcades in between, there are crowns and crowds of people jostling about - a far cry from Borneo.  Caroline has just had her first telephone call from a boy friend and forgot to find out who it was.  Luckily he came to collect her and she has gone out to play.  My office work has not been too strenuous as this has been a slack time between returns.  Everyone is very friendly but is is obviously necessary to be on ones' toes.  Have been to one party and met a lot of old friends.  However, there are many in the bank here who I do not know - there are so very many of them in the main office.  The building itself is very bis as you know and I still get lost if I take the wrong turning.  An extra floor is being built in and another lift, all dusing normal working hours.  It is lucky I am in H.O. out of the clamour.  Two of the inspectors are off on a tour of Calcutta and Saigon shortly.  I expect I shall be on the next one but where to and when I do not know.  They normally take two to three weeks and apart from the work involved can be quite pleasant.  Elisabeth is very well and during the sea trip and now is noticeably stronger, presumably through use of calipers.  I have ordered the 'walking bars' for her and mobile stood for Margo to sit on, through the bank property department who have been very helpful.

The car is due on 16th when traveling should be easier.  The driving on the Peak is a serious affair of steepness and tight corners.  Again the roads are numerous and my sense of direction is hard put to know the way.  One's ears pop on the way up and down, it is no mean climb and I just hope my small car can manage.

So! we are here with a lot to do and I hope, enjoy.  No hot weather for at least a couple of months - a manager's conference in HO in a week's time - a series of Christmas parties for which invitations have already arrived.  Will let you know how we make out.

Cheerio and lots of love
from us all

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