Sunday, March 3, 2013

2nd April 1963

The Hongkong and Shanghai BC
Hong Kong

Dear Mum Dad and Alan,

I have really let time slide away without answering your last letter.  Anyway the measles are gone and all the girls are now fit and well, putting on the weight they lost and tanned from the sunshine on the beach last weekend.  Elisabeth had to go without exercises for a time but has done well from the rest and seems very strong.  However, is going to have the bad foot in plaster again this week and so will not be able to do much until six weeks are passed.  Caroline has brought home a very good painting and a small colouring book.  She seems to be good with her hands producing neat work with well matched colours.

The weather has been very kind to us.  We have had some cloud and mist but large patches for clear weather in between giving us too good weekends  One we spent on Lang Tao island in a very countryfied district and last weekend out with friends on their boat, with the children on a beach where they had plenty of fun.

On Saturday we went to our first party on the mainland by car.  Quite a long drive and watching the time for the 1 am ferry - but a change to drive once more on a flat road.  We have some more friends visiting from Borneo just now - it is about a year since we left Jesselton and it is good to catch up on the news.  They have not been here before, so now that we have got to know the place a little we can impress them the big city.  They are certainly impressed with the traffic and the fact that we both drive in it.

Cheerio for now and all our love,

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