Tuesday, October 2, 2018

22 Sept 69

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Johore Bahru West Malaysia airletter

Dear Mum Dad and Alan & family,

Thank you so much for meeting the children.  It must be an effort to get up to the airport and then find the plane late.  We had a good letter from Elisabeth which showed she had settled back quickly.  I trust you are keeping well mother & not doing too much -y ou never seem to stop.  We did enjoy having the children and it was not diffiuclt to fill in the time though before they came I did wonder about 2 months!  Caroline has grown up and responds well to a more adult approach.  Adrienne is now in a difficult stage and needs babying along a bit.  Susan continues being near perfect which does not seem natural - hope she does not break out one day.  Elisabeth makes good progress still and only wish she could go to a better school in the social sense but it would be difficult to beat the facilities at Westerham.  I have sold my Tebran and made a little profit to offset other shares on the downside.  Also won $500 on the sweep - the first ever so can managed to send Margo home for Christmas.  She is not sure of sitting the children for their holidays and of course is worried about her parents so it seems a good thing to do.  Have a lot to do in the office and have a bit of a cold but otherwise all is well.

Look after yourselves

Peter & Margo.

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