The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
Collyer Quay Branch
21 Collyer Quay
P. O. Box 896
Dear Mum and Dad,
Am getting this on the way because of the girls coming out etc. It is wonderful to know Elisabeth is coming out, she is so pleased. Margo says you have been having trouble with our eyes - both of you. Do not leave these things to get worse. Instant action please and if any expense is involved let me know. Margo told me someone of 103 had a successful op! In court for 2 days this week on the union case and hope that will finish things for a bit. The do drag on. Give my regards to Maus. How is Henry and family these days? Must write to Henry again, wish I could dictate a letter it is easier, my hand is cramped at the end of a day. Will get the girls to write. Shares dull everywhere except gold. Am reading a life of Disraeli. So heavy, but very interesting to know the Conservative Party was for the "working class" when opposing Whigs & Liberals but none of them had a consistent policy and were just as muddled as today. Even wars started because of total misconceptions & lack of knowledge, as they do now.
All my love Peter.
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