Thursday, January 1, 2009


H. & S. B. C.

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Thanks very much for your leter of 5.4.51 - yes I have been very lazy about snaps - don't know what has happened to me at all. Anyway shall get down to it quite soon as I have no excuse not too and hope to send you bundles of them in due course. The main difficulty has been the light, the best times being early morning or evening and am rarely free at those times in the day - especially the former - however shall make a special effort one Sunday morning and shall rise early.

No the Beach House was not quite a "glorified Hut" - but a bungalow in its own grounds - the rear of which ran down to the sea. Golden sand in one's garden and water from the Indian Ocean running against it. At night the lights of various fishing junks twinkle out to sea whilst there is the constant flashing of lightening on the mainland.

We used chop sticks that night because they did not issue the usual eating irons in that particular place - the other people where certainly not asiatics.

Glad Henry is OK and that the weather is cheering up for Grandma - your description of the re-appearing floweres sounds good - I always enjoyed the spring myself but thought the winter a heavy payment for it.

The accountant and his wife are giving cocktails to about all Penang when Sir Arthur comes in so I shall be "on duty". He will not be here for the office opening however as that will be next month. He will only be in for 20th next.

The local staff are Chinese though I don't think any of them have been to China. They are British nationality as per passport and resident Malayans. They are good workers and everyone gets on well and smoothly. I thought you knew what I did here but its easy to describe if I say Current Accounts as at Cheam - but not easy to describe if I say I don't do ledgers, handle the cash etc. Perhaps if I said I just sign things it would be easier, but then I do a lot besides. Checking the local staffs work, answering and initiating letters etc. All very simple but it must be seen to realize the extent it goes. Once my initial is on a piece of paper I am held responsible, though the work behind it may have been done by three others. That is more or less the case throughout one's career. The snag is you have to know all that happens, has happened and is about to happen. When you are really proficient you can foretell the future (Shadows of Sunday Express ?) and are made manager. Remind me to study the stars!

I've had lots of letters in the past week from Reg (still per sea mail) Margaret, two from the bank and still haven't answered the one from ? or the last from Pam. This place doesn't help in letter writing but we shall get round to it.

My broadcast is still in the future but Peter is doing his next week. It will be fun to listen. There isn't much chance of you hearing it (The rest of this letter is missing)

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