Saturday, January 3, 2009

7th July, 1951

Hongkong Bank,

Dear Mum Dad and Alan,

Many thanks for your letter of 28th. I have been delayed in answering I am afraid but have been very full of things to do.

Am just finishing the half year's work and hope that next week will see it all well and truly over.

Hope you fix the holidays up alright and everything goes OK.

We had - fortunately two days off this week for the big Malay religious festival. They fast for a period and then burst forth. I had not had a day free from the office for over two weeks and just let everything go. Had two rounds of golf - shocking play but hope to improve and it was very good fun. The course is in and around the race course and they have the horses out for gallops in the early morning. At night with the sun setting and the surrounding hills going into shadow it can be very beautiful. I am continually finding a new spot in this island which surprises me with its appearance. The island is so small one would imagine that it could all be known in a very short space of time.

The day before the holiday my friend in the Radio Penang rang me up to do the program and naturally enough I had lost my notes and had even forgotten all about it. However, we got to-gether the next day at the studio and turned the record room upside down and I constructed a simple script.

Last night I went on the air and had an enjoyable half hour chatting to the woman announcer between my odd lines. The script is enclosed - but of course without my dulcet tones to sound the words the true value cannot be appreciated! Anyway it seem to go alright and the few people who heard it had no cracks to make. My slight reference to Alan's trumpet is true enough I often think of it when that record is played.

I have extravagantly purchased a radio. A small but powerful Phillips for $120 about 15 pounds, but am very pleased as have made a bargain and saved 7 pounds the true price - having bought through a friend in the business. Can get USA. Australia, and UK overseas without an aerial.

No more news so shall sign off - I left the office at six tonight Saturday and am going in for a short time to morrow but pressure will now tend to slacken.

Cheerio and love,

Hows the summer?


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