Friday, August 21, 2009


Written on a HSBC Jesselton Airmail letter.

Dear Mum Dad and Alan,

The last day of the month and a Saturday afternoon in the office - still it is very pleasant in comparison with many other places I have been in . The sun is setting now and the light is streaming in over my shoulder as I write with a soft cool breeze making the day a comfortable one. It can be hot and sticky here, but not for many days at a time and though my work is of a very routine nature I cannot complain of overwork. We are just a little busy at the end of quarters and on occasion when bills pile up and have to be processed in a short space of time. This is offset by not having air conditioning and not having a staff which is overbright so that one works at a much slower pace than is usual - but they are a cheery lot and very friendly - a much more enjoyable office than Calcutta. your calender arrived for which, many thanks and also your letter - I have left this at home so cannot remember if you had any queries. Hin E Calling (???) the Governor has invited us to meet the Duke of Edinburgh on March 1st at a Reception at 9.30 pm. About 500 people are going so suppose it to cover all the Europeans in Jesselton. Margo is doubtful about attending as it will involve a lot of standing about and it would be unfortunate to say the least if she felt ill in such a crush and not be able to get away. I expect I shall go if nothing prevents me. Everything is being decorated and there is great excitement. We shall see displays of native life which we would not do otherwise and various things will be sold in a special market, so perhasp we may make some interesting purchases. Caroline is well but A. is having teething pain at times though now rockets across the floor and climbs onto chairs at great speed. She is very broad across the back and is a hefty lump to carry - hope she walks soon.

Cheerio for now and Love from as all Peter.

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