Hongkong & Shanghai Bank
P.O. B 98
British North Borneo
(Editor's note. The date on this letter should be 1959)
My dear Mum & Dad,
Peter has been going to answer your letter all week but so far I haven't seen him start doing so! - so I've decided to write myself & send you a few photos which Peter has also been going to send for ages. He has been very busy over the end of the year & is now doing returns which keep him rather occupied. Adrienne sleeps in the study (so-called) as I found that she & Caroline are better apart. While they shared the same room, Caroline would wake about 4.30 am & then woke Adrienne who wasn't very happy about it. Now Caroline goes back to sleep until about 6 am which is a rather more respectable hour. They will have to go back together eventually but Adrienne will be older and I hope (?) will go back to sleep if woken.
Adrienne is progressing and has just pulled herself up by my chair - she doesn't stand for very long but at least it's a start. She is cutting another tooth & is very snuffly - rather like an asthmatical old man! Caroline has vanished at the moment & I rather suspect that I shall find her in the kitchen where the servants are having their meal. They seem to eat about 10.30 am & 6.30 pm and to do so they sit on little stools around a minute round table. I think that Caroline enjoys sitting on the stool altho' she likes the rice etc as well. I've no doubt that she will master the art of chop sticks very quickly! As for Adrienne I'm sure that she will be speaking Chinese before English as the Baby Amah chats to her all day in her version of Chinese/Malay which she speaks.
We have an excellent hospital here with a European Matron & two sisters and three European doctors. I believe the hospital has been recently built & has about 14 ist class rooms which have their own bathroom & toilet attached as well as being air-conditioned. Rather a change from the Elgin Nursing Home where about 60 or more people shared 4 bathrooms. I feel very fit but shall be glad when March 16th comes along. I have to go to the hospital clinic every fortnight now - apart from myself there are only two other European women attending. Also a change from Clta - I heard from Biddy Sawtell yesterday that 40 European babies were born in the Elgin during Dec & 40 are due in January! Biddy was the friend who lost her second baby - she has just had another boy without any bother.
We thoroughly enjoyed Xmas although we should have liked to have been with you all at home. Both children had loads of toys so it was rather an exciting morning opening all the parcels. We had very nice gifts from Hilda & Henry - I still haven't written to thank them but I seem to have written dozens of letters this month - Peter will be complaining about the postage bill!
We have been plagued by these wretched Kampong dogs who persisted in rushing around the house all night. panting & then howling & barking under the bedroom windows. It was impossible to aim anything at them because of the screens & Peter & I began to think that we should have to put down poison for them, after having had several sleepless nights. However I sent Ho Choy to speak to the Kampong inhabitants about them & to ask them to chain the dogs up at night & luckily they seem to have done so far out nights are now undisturbed - we are used to the occasional barking & cock crowing.
The car arrived on Saturday & hasn't a scratch on it although a peculiar 'knocking' has appeared! I shall have to pass my test otherwise I shall be isolated up here. Has Alan sat for his test yet? I expect he will pass first time. Barbara is hoping for a girl, so hope she is lucky - when in June is Emma expecting her baby - do you know? Peter & I are still undecided over a girls name and just cannot agree over any! The photos enclosed are 1) a group taken at the Managers staff tea party just before Xmas. Caroline is sitting on the Manager's wife's knee. We left Adrienne at home as the afternoon was rather showery. The three bachelors here disgraced themselves by arriving after the photo had been taken!
2) Caroline in her fancy dress - looking rather dishevelled and not quite sure what was going on. I've put in a few snaps (these are the throw-outs!) as well - our last batch weren't very successful but we are having copies taken which we will be sending. (of the better ones.)
Must close now so that Peter can send this letter this afternoon - I shall probably find that he has written to you this morning 1 - but at least I'm sending the photos!
We hear that you are having a freeze-up - hope it isnt too bad & that you are all well.
Love from us all & big kisses from
Caroline & Adrienne, Margo & Peter.
Friday, August 21, 2009
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