Sunday, March 11, 2018

18th January 68

Dear Mum and Dad,

Thank you for your joint letter - In case I did not thank you for the pyjamas, they were fine and just what I wanted.  Hope Adrienne and Susan did not give you too much to do, the weather was not very kind, I have certainly missed a lot of unpleasant events.  Have been quite active here although have been taking it easy for the past few days - a spot of tummy trouble.  A lot of it about with changeable weather, probably a cold coming.  Had a letter from Elisabeth - Margo mentioned she is much improved and very bright.  Poor Dorothy - what a thing to happen at Christmas.  Must try to make a trip to Scotland during leave although expect to be pretty static now that the children will be coming home each day.  Have provisionally booked on QANTAS arriving 9th March so can count the weeks now and will be glad when it is all over for this tour.  Had a long letter from Henry and one from Margaret, both of which I must answer some time.  Cannot make out what the latest cuts will mean for the stock market or the budget on 19th March - pity there is so long to go until the next election.  Cannot see that anything has been solved which will give long term benefits.  However, one never knows and 1968 may bring a brighter aspect to everything.

Cheerio for now and love


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