Friday, July 6, 2018

2nd July 1969

Written on The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation airmail letter from Johore Bahru

Dear Mum and Dad,

The half year has come and if not quite gone is going.  It is usually quite enough on its own but a phone call on Saturday gave me the news the Internal Auditors were on the way and arriving on Monday have set the office on its ears.  They are good chaps but I could have done without them especially as I know that when their report comes in a lot of new fangled ideas will demand even more work.  Another phone call and I have the new Malayan manager paying a visit tomorrow.  This necessitated a rushed printing of invitation cards and we expect 90+ tomorrow night, including the Sultan, his heir + wives.  I have three policemen laid on for the parking problem.  Have not given much thought to the party as have been more concerned with the office but expect it to all work out.  In the middle of this today had an approach by a Japanese consortium for a pretty big advance which looks tricky - luckily hop to pass this off to the manager from KL.  Not much more can happen to keep things humming but I expect it will.  Hope to get away to Singapore for the weekend and have a rest before trying to catch up next week so am keeping my fingers crossed.  Not long before the children arrive - it will be good to see them.  Have bought back 1/2 my original de Beers at a good price difference and some Waterval platinum - may they only go up.

Love Peter.

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