The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
Johore Bahru
West Malaysia
My dear Mum and Dad,
Many thanks for your letter & card whcih arrived yesterday. After I had posted my letter to you, Peter told me that he hadn't mentioned that I had been in hospital! However, it was nothing much - I was having a great deal of pain in my hip & leg so that I was unable to sleep. My doctor sent me to see an Orthopaedic Surgeon in Singapore for a check up & it was driving this time that the pain became even worse. I had to be admitted as I needed morphine injections during the night - sleeping tablets being no help at all. Anyway everything was checked & it was only rheumatism - the Sciatic nerve being badly affected. My blood was a bit below par so I was pumped with B.12 also B1 for the nerves - various tablets, a heat treatment & massage. Now I am fine - but the surgeon tells me to watch out for the next monsoon! Peter is buying an air conditioner for the car as my birthday present! So it should be more comfortable travelling around. Perhaps for my birthday present you could get me a tube of "ENDOCIL" night cream (black & gold tube - most chemists have it) & the girls could bring it out. I have used it for years but now it appears to be unavailable in Singapore. If not some bubble bath!
No more news - we have had a lot of rain but today is bright & hot.
Lots of love
Margo & Peter
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