C/o The HongKong & Shanghai Bank
Dear Mum and Dad,
The pace is still fast and it is amazing how things keep cropping up which turn each day into anything other than routine. The auditors from HO have been in, on top of the local auditors. The computer still has to be lived with and produces its own crop of problems and there is still much that is new around the office that one can never pause to think. Have read about your cold weather and trust it moves on fairly soon as power cuts with the miner's strike will be very inconvenient. The girls sound cheerful. We will have Adrienne and Elisabeth out at Easter. I have the pools your address as I did not want them to come here - it is about time I had a win. Shares are doing OK even Rockware has recovered & London & Northern are doing well. Wish I had stayed in gold. Acorn never stopped recommending gold and now are proved right. Lets hope everything remains strong for a good period.
Hope to get down to the Loyang bunglow this weekend for some sun and air. It makes a good break and freshens one up. Elisabeth said she was very happy to see you the other weekend, with Alan and family. She is to take instruction for confirmation this year. Cheerio for now and keep warm, wish I could send a spot of our sun.
Love Margo and Peter.
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