Monday, December 19, 2022

May 1st 1970

 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

Johore Bahru

West Malaysia

My dear Mum & Dad,

I have rather left it to Peter to write to you but felt I really must write now & thank you for having Adrienne, she sounded as tho' she had a good time.  My mother enjoyed having the other girls - said they were very helpful & it was nice to have a bit of life around the place.  I think Mum finds it rather quiet as my father doesn't say very much & sleeps a lot so it was a tonic to have Caroline & Susan.

Uncle Reg wrote & said Elisabeth is fine - they saw Alan & Di on Sat & he was saying how lovely Jeffery is.  We glad to hear Di had her op & all is well.  The dog has settled down very well & it's hard to believe he was in such a terrible state when he first arrived.  Think he will grow to be quite big.

I spent all morning at the school - lots of teething trouble moving in to a new place & it takes time getting everything organised.  Had a free afternoon & felt restless - couldn't settle down to sewing so I altered all the furniture around.  I've never liked the study but have now got it more to my liking.  By the time I've finished the house it will be time to go on leave!  No news at all about that so we are prepared for 3 years. Mike Calvert & his wife were in Singapore this week, prior to home leave & thne a posting to New York as Manager.  They have a lovely little girl - adopted in 1967 so they are taking their Chinese Amah with them.

I haven't read much about the weather in the Daily Telegraph so hope it is milder.  We have had 2 very hot days - 96% so that you have to keep drinking to avoid being dehydrated!  Cousin Joyce is nursing 3 days a week - Bill is with Harland & Wolf who aren't doing too well so he's thinking of changing his job.  Andrew, their eldest boy tried to get in the police cadets but failed because of short sight in one eye so he will stay at school & take his A levels.  Cousin Muriel's son starts with the Police Cadets in Sept.  Joan's husband Ken is now a Chief Superintendent & I ofen see his name in the D.T on a murder case.

Hope you are both well

All our love

Margo & Peter

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