Tuesday, October 2, 2018

22 Sept 69

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Johore Bahru West Malaysia airletter

Dear Mum Dad and Alan & family,

Thank you so much for meeting the children.  It must be an effort to get up to the airport and then find the plane late.  We had a good letter from Elisabeth which showed she had settled back quickly.  I trust you are keeping well mother & not doing too much -y ou never seem to stop.  We did enjoy having the children and it was not diffiuclt to fill in the time though before they came I did wonder about 2 months!  Caroline has grown up and responds well to a more adult approach.  Adrienne is now in a difficult stage and needs babying along a bit.  Susan continues being near perfect which does not seem natural - hope she does not break out one day.  Elisabeth makes good progress still and only wish she could go to a better school in the social sense but it would be difficult to beat the facilities at Westerham.  I have sold my Tebran and made a little profit to offset other shares on the downside.  Also won $500 on the sweep - the first ever so can managed to send Margo home for Christmas.  She is not sure of sitting the children for their holidays and of course is worried about her parents so it seems a good thing to do.  Have a lot to do in the office and have a bit of a cold but otherwise all is well.

Look after yourselves

Peter & Margo.

Sept 4th

4 Jalan Scudai
J. B.

My dear Mum & Dad,

Just a brief note to let you know that the girls return flight has been confirmed.  BOAC flight BA 713 due at London Airport at 11.00 am on Sept 16th so they should reach the teminal at 12 noon.  Cousin Jean is going to meet them & is driving them down to Folkestone & they are looking forward to this very much.  I presume they will have lunch first.

The time is passing very quickly & a lot of the school children are beginning to return to the U.K.

I am enclosing a few photos - in some the girls look pale - but it is just the light.

We have had dull weather this week but am hoping to spend the day at the Tanglin Club tomorrow.  I have been busy sorting through the clothes, replacing name tapes etc - Adrienne is growing so fast she needed new vests!

love from us all

Margo, Peter & girls

Aug 22nd 1969

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Johore Bahru, West Malaysia air mail letter

My dear Mum & Dad,

As you can guess life is a trifle hectic with the girls here! - Elisabeth doesn't like to have an idle moment.  However at the moment they are splashing about in the pool which has been renovated so I can have a few quiet (I hope!) moments.  Thank you very much for the cologne - it was something I really needed & I do get through a lot in this hot climate.  We were thinking of Di & Alan on Tuesday & hope that the move went off successfully.  We came back that afternoon from the Loyang bungalow after 4 carefree days there.  We were lucky with the weather so that the girls wore swimsuits all day until they showered & changed into pyjamas.  There is a boat at the bungalow & the gardener looks after the engine so we went everyday to "Frog" island which the girls enjoyed.  They also had fun with the canoe which goes with the bungalow.  Peter could only manage Sat afternoon & Sunday.  We had several friends down for curry lunch on Sunday & a friend & her two boys for the day on Monday (Heather & I both worked in London & played hockey together (on opposing teams).  - her eldest boy & Caroline were babies together in Calcutta.  Adrienne is in Singapore staying with a friend & she comes home this afternoon.  Yesterday I left Elisabeth & Susan with another friend in Singapore so that Caroline & I could go shoping for school pants & socks etc.  We had lunch out at a nice hotel so it made a very pleasant day.  E & S enjoyed being with the Langleys as they always have a lot of fun.

Must go

Love from us all, Margo.