Thursday, August 26, 2010

6th November 1960

Written on HSBC Jesselton airmail letter.

Dear Mum Dad and Alan,

Many thanks for your letter with the description of Richard's party - you obviously had a very good time. It appeared to be very well planned too and sound a grand occasion. I have asked Selfridges if they can supply the chocolates that I sent last year as you seemed to like them - but will remember a bottle of Harvey's Bristol Cream (sherry) if they are unable to supply them. We seem to be well stocked with odds and ends at the moment, but ideas for the future could be Marks & Spencers pyjamas, very light weight, for me and in records we are quite well stocked with the lighter side for parties and I am keen on choral stuff now - the Messiah is very grand singing - I can never think of titles but there are lots more that are very well know. However, none of this is required "at once" but are just ideas. We have heard of changes coming in the bank and expect to hear what they are when the manager returns for H.O. conference next week. I expect some sort of integration - we'll be in Saudi Arabia & the Persian Gulf yet! The Mercantile have offices in Pakistan too which is not a bright prospect. However, it may mean greater opportunities and I am only 4 years away from the end of the salary scale & also just over 1/2 way up the seniority list. In fact I only have 19 years before I retire! Glad you got Bangawans - I am watching them too but as you suggest one should average in Roans - looks as if one might buy soon at 5/-. Their results have been very good but of course copper is down and 1961 will be dull. Can you let me know the lowest they have been since 1950 and when and what price was copper at that time? Rubber is still going down but this is usual after a boom period such as occurred 59/60. However, well run estates still make profits and the price will rise just as soon as Russia & China come in again as buyers on the Singapore market. They have taken very little for the past nine months. Margo has been busy making the girls' dresses. There is to be a party for twenty odd children on 14th. I have borrowed some films and will do a picture show after the feeding session. Margo is also on a committee for a club children's Xmas party & thinking of our own preparations for the children. I have an AGM of Nobatei - the auditors passed my accounts with no change in the figures, very pleasing. (they were Turquand, Youngs) We have spent this month fund raising and enjoyed a very good dance last Saturday. We are giving a dinner to Acct & his wife on Wed. His sister & husband are out on a 3 week trip from home. So we are not idle at the moment.

Cheerio and love from all of us,

24th October 1960

Written on HSBC Jesselton airmail letter

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Many thanks for your letter which , with your description of your preparations for Richard's party, I found to be most amusing. I trust Dad's evening suit suited and you both enjoyed yourselves. We forgot to send a card but perhaps they will understand, we are in the middle of our Christmas Cards at the moment as they must be off soon by sea. Margo said you could use a Coffee Grinder. There is a nice one in Baker's magazine and if you would like it I shall put it in an order. Yes, Elisabeth continues to enjoy her exercises and can raise her head to look right up and around and she uses her left arm a lot. The heat has not been too bad, but the airconditioning is a blessing as without it we would have difficulties. Thank you very much for your offer of financial assistance. It is good to know that I can come to you for aid if necessary. However, in the short term things ought to be OK. It will be whilst on leave that I might find temporary difficulty, but in two years anything might turn up. I have not sold any shares after all as the market went down too much for my tastes and I think it might stay that way. Carraras are an uncertainity for the moment but they will pay off directly there is a couple of good year's results together. This now seems very probable. How did your gold shares react last week - there was a day's excitement for somebody. My long range planning is towards buying a house at home! Apparently if one becomes a ratepayer in some counties (say Kent) one can obtain an education grant for children from abroad. I am still trying to obtain details but in my case I would probably obtain enough to more than cover the cost of a house. This would not occur to nearer 1967 but the possibility is very interesting and of course if it came off it would produce a free house plus rent whilst I am abroad and free accommodation whilst on leave. Of course I would have to find the finance for the initial expenses plus furnishing but I hope to be able to obtain tat from the bank plus the mortgage, but that should be OK if I can show that it will all be paid off within ten years. Nothing like planning is there? But I am told others have done it or something similar. (But keep it dark.)

Cheerio for now and love,

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

3rd October 1960

Written on HSBC Jesselton airmail letter.

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Only one more day to go and everyone of us is greatly excited. Am looking forward to hearing all about the christening - what a change in the weather it was for you! It must have been a crowd in the house. Am sorry to hear about Mrs Martin's illness - please give her my regards and I hope she has a good recovery. Caroline enjoyed another birthday party yesterday - this time at the house of the Commissioner of Police. I had not been out to that part of Jesselton before as it is at the back of the airport near the Police HQ. They have wonderful grounds, with lots of flat lawn, quite unusual for this place and I realized that their labour must come from the Prisons and must be very handy. Have been out to dinner again last week & lunch on Sunday with Inghams. Have a dinner next week to go on to a film show with the manager - its Nobata Charity effort. Also a lunch next Sunday at the Inghams. I expect there will be a lot more wanting to see Margo. The bank have not paid the passage - I did not really expect it so it is not much of a disappointment, we shall have to cut down a bit but I have no doubt we will manage in the long run.

Cheerio for now and love

16th Sept 1960

Written on HSBC Jesselton airmail letter.

Dear Mum Dad & Alan,

Many thanks for your letter. I guess the christening did give you a lot to do but it was very pleasant to know that it was to take place at St Marks and also that members of the family could participate in at least one of the childrens' festivities. Margo has written to say she has a booking for 3rd Oct and this starts to bring to an end a period that has in many ways been far more successful than I had originally anticipated. The eventual reunion of Margo & children will be an exciting event. We have had a rainy spell it being one of the monsoon seasons and it has turned pretty cool. Very healthy and revitalysing but pretty dreary without the sun. This is a hurried note as the manager is back from leave to day and will probably make it a busy day in catching up on odd things. Had a night out last night with friends for a dinner and lots of conversation. Had a friend from Penang Eastern Smelting through the other day and caught up on a lot of news. He often visits H&W when on leave and may look up Alan one of these days. His name is David Picken and he holds a pretty high position as Chief Chemist with the Tin Smelters.

Cheerio for now and love from your granddaughters. Peter.

28th August 1960

Written on HSBC Jesselton airmail letter.

Dear Dad, Have just had a second look at the date. Many Happy returns of the DAy! for 27th. I have had this noted in my deskpad for some time then go and miss sending a card. Please forgive me. Lots of love from your granddaughters
and Best Wishes Peter (written at top of the airmail letter).

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Thank you for the photos they were very good of everyone. Glad you had a shopping trip with Margo. She wrote to say she enjoyed it. I did tell Margo to make sure she was paying her share but did not say anything else. As far as my shares are concerned I have to make sure what capital I have is safe as even if the bank does pay the £400 to £500 for the fares I still have a lot of leave expenses which will take the rest. The American economy is shaky in my opinion and it will effect UK and Europe. However, I expect a rise at the short term because most companies have been earning well in 1960 and the end year results ought to be good. It will surely be the sensible thing for me to get out and invest in P.Bonds for the rest of the tour - or if the market does make a big drop after that to reinvest in a few favourites. The manager has recently bought London Tin at 12/1 1/2 and thinks Borneo Timber is good at 7/-. BT went to 10/- at last results and I understand they have continued good timber sales since then. Carreras have started a slow rise, I wonder if this is on the way to bigger things. I heard from Henry in June but do not know if I replied - have written now though to say how Elisabeth is. Adrienne is starting school 15th next month. Caroline is in fine form and so is Susan. I wish I could reproduce their pidgeon English which I overhear them using when speaking to the servants. It creeps into their speech with me at times so no doubt you will hear a few oddities when they come home. The net result is that Caroline make the Amah understand a great deal more than I can so I use C as an interpreter. This is ok so long as Caroline sticks to facts, but she is just as likely to dream up a story from imagination. In that way I found Adrienne all dressed for school last week with orange juice and biscuits! A. naturally was most disappointed when I did not take her. Cheerio for now and love from us all Peter.

(Editor's note). Mum was in England with Elisabeth who caught polio at 6 weeks. The doctor in Borneo refused to believe anything was wrong. Luckily a nurse recommended mum to take E to England. E was at Gt Ormond Street for sometime but unfortunately due to the delay in diagnosing, has never been able to walk.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

14th August 1960

Written on HSBC Jesselton airmail paper

Dear Mum and Dad and Alan,

Thank you for your two letters chock-a-block with news. Glad you have sold your Minister land, I feel sorry for anyone who has to live in those buildings. Your colds etc are odd for summer time but hope they are all over now. I have forgotten what the bag cost, but it was over £1 so if you agree we will call it square. Thank you once again for looking after Margo's presents. If Margo is going to return before the end of this year we can well afford to pay our way with Mrs Aylett. I will mention this in my next letter to her so that there is no misunderstanding. "Acorn" have issued their 3rd warning that 1961-1962 will be a bad period for shares because American markets will be down. Reuters News is still saying the $ is overvalued and gold undervalued. Someone in Shell mentioned they think 1962 is going to be dull. Acorn thinks that in the meantime there will be a rise this autumn. So for my purposes I shall be liquidating, but will keep Carreras, as I think they must eventually reflect their new growth - though with the new rises in interest rates they will have had to pay more for their large overdrafts. Susan has been producing more teeth but made only a little fuss and is now bonny again. This evening I saw a chair apparently walking by itself from the kitchen - Susan carried it right round the lounge - a very funny sight but some achievement! Ingham is a very pleasant chap and will fit in well here. His wife & two children arrive tomorrow. It is not this wife who is a physio but the wife of someone in Govt.

It has turned hot and sticky this week - have spent the time on the usual routine though I was invited out for a couple of evenings. We had our usual swim this morning and caught the sun so we are all red faced and sleepy though I have just broken off to give Caroline a drink.

Cheerio for now and love,

2nd May 1960

Written on HSBC Jesselton airmail

Dear Mum Dad and Alan,

Many thanks for your letter and excuse the red ink - we must have got the wrong refil for the pen at home. The Turner's are off to-day after a very full visit. They have been to Sandakan and Tawan since their official visit here and have spent the last three days resting. Mrs Turner has been ill - nervous strain we think - and had to put off her visit to Margo twice. Today Margo went with all four children to the Manager's house with the children who behaved themselves very well. Mrs T has made a point to see all the wives separately and children, which must be quite an effort on top of all the parties and parades which occur at these tours. C & A went also to the staff tea party - the local staff function. Caroline made a curtsy - unrehearsed - at the appropriate moment and they both chatted quite gaily. C does not often talk to strangers and Mary Curren lost a $10 bet with Mrs Turner to the effect that C would be dumb - She was quite the reverse and talked of the tiny tiny baby at home. The cocktail party went off very well - quite a large one for Jesselton. We are now ready for our holiday on Thursday and I may not receive your letters for a couple of weeks. We too ? redecorating and hope it will all be over before we return, the accent is on "hope".

The ports of call will be KUDAT, SANDAKAN, LAHAD DATU, SEMPORNA, TAWAN and return. We cannot think of anything for the children at the moment but will let you know. We have at last bought the Coca Cola bag and used it to keep extra bottles cool when the manager and others came to a buffet supper. Its the first time we have had them round except for the Christening last year and they seemed to enjoy themselves. Margo put a lot of work into it and the table looked wonderful and served 15 in all. I too have seen the same remark for Careras but do not know if it is ? 1960. I have only just received a dividend on another share paid last November so find it difficult to check. Can you find out? as mine were bought prior to Feb. It is hard to tell whether they might go lower. How long the reconstruction will take to produce full results is also unknown but the price might rise towards the end of this year in expectations. The lowest they went in 1959 was 3/5. Am now looking forward to Roan Antelope results as I think I have bought at the bottom - the price being depressed only because of South Africa. We may see a little rise now the Bank Deposit system has been settled unless someone thinks of some other little scare. Love from us all

4 Apr 1960

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Many thanks for your letter - I trust the decorating is nearly over and that it turns out to be what you wanted. You will be in gay colours for the summer. I do like the trousers, they have a smart look about them. It is a pity about my waistline but I am obviously still a growing lad! An extra two inches or so will make all the difference. The length is not too bad but 1" more would suit. Margo and Elisabeth are home now and well settled in. E is keeping her weight up and feeding and sleeping very well. She ought to be sleeping right through the night within a few weeks. The hair is not so dark as we thought and fair tints are appearing. It is still too early to say if she will go completely fair, but she has not lost the well grown look and has quite a quiff. Susan is very fond of the baby and is always trying to kiss her and ruffle her hair somewhat heavy handedly but nevertheless with affection. Susan is showing all the signs of being near the walking stage but is also preoccupied in teeth production. Caroline produced a brand new song yesterday, most remarkable in that we could understand the words. All her songs are with complicated actions and this one was the first which was in time. She gets a bit fed up with Adrienne who is called in to act in the appropriate places but does not stand up and sit down at the right time. By the time A goes to school she ought to know most of the lessons about a year in advance. However, her concentration is nil as she only learns things by accident and not design. Thanks Dad for your present for Elisabeth - I think the PO Book is as good as anything as you can then look after it - I havent had anything from the Premium Bonds that I have bought since coming here. Of the shares I bid low for - I have got Roan Antelope at 7/- (They were 8/4 two months back) and I have also obtained Bradford Dyers at 20/1 1/2 so now am hoping the Budget today will show a profit. Bradford are expecting a big payment from Egypt and this should mean a capital payment to shareholders.

Love from us all Peter.