Monday, January 9, 2023

12th Oct 1974

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

P O Box 896

Collyer Quay branch


Dear Mum and Dad,

We have been out every night since a long time ago.  People have been very kind, so much so that it will be relief to get away.  Our own party at the Hyatt was a huge success with reports still coming in saying how much is was enjoyed.  People stayed on & on.  Last night was the BIG one.  15 tables of 8 or 9 at the top of an hotel overlooking the harbour & Chinese food.  Union & Sports Club as hosts.  President & Gen Sec of main union present.  Terrific speech in praise of self!  Then my own.  As usual a tense moment but I am told it was very good- thank goodness.  Suddenly, after many months of trial and sometimes despondency one feels on top of the world and I will remember the event as being one of the highest of high spots.  We were given a tray & tea & coffee things with a nice engraving & a small pocket radio.

Tickets in hand and a few days to go.  Heard that Labour is in and we have to face many changes but will manage to cope.

See you soon love
Peter xx

This is the last letter from the Far East.  The next is just dated Sunday and seems to have been written in UK.

Dear Mum,

Glad you got though on the phone.  The first part was clear then it went a bit odd.  Usually the operator allows extra time for this but they have to be listening in otherwise I am not sure how contact them without breaking the connection.  I think I go most of it though and understand Dad has had the op & is looking alright but nothing was found.  Very strange if the two X rays showed something.  It is a long shot but could there be anything in connection with the hernia he was complaining of?  Unlikely I suppose.  Hope my going away next weekend does not bother you.  Will be back Monday night anyway.  Feel a bit useless being unable to do anything but guess that is the way it is.  Hope they think of something at the hospital to solve the problem.

All my love and Best Wishes to 
Peter xxx

My father took early retirement from the bank and took a part time job with a fur company.  He and mum were given a world trip by the bank and another trip when he retired from  the fur company.  They both were invited to Hongkong for the opening of the new bank there.  They moved from Tunbridge Wells where they had moved from Folkestone, to Bickenhall in Somerset.  My dad loved the house in Bickenhall saying it was the best place he had lived.  He only had a year of retirement when he died of lung cancer in 1987 at the age of 60.  My mother lived to the age of 91, moving into Taunton to live.  

29 Sept 1974

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

P O Box 896

Collyer Quay branch


Dear Mum and Dad,

Am so pleased you saw the children.  Reg was rushing around on that day and he must have been worried about Ada.  I believe she is home now and trust the treatment will put things right.  I do not expect the girls to marry yet but you never know, however, they are all pretty sensible.  Susan now thinks she will go into a bank, having asked me how we make the profits.  She is doing a few 'O' levels early - in November as we want her & Adrienne to move to another school which will be more suitable for 'A' levels.  We gave our party to the officers & wives on Friday about 100 of us.  Guess that is we do not come out east again, these last parties here will be the last of their kind ever.  Our other party will be in the Hyatt Hotel for 160.

This is a bit scrappy but we will catch up once we are home.  Expect to fly in from Nirobi on 23rd Oct.  Am not sure if we will call on our way.  It will depend on the time.  We have to get home & open up the house.  Liz comes out for half term on 25th and so there is a tight schedule.

All our love

Margo & Peter


22 Sept 1974

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

P O Box 896

Collyer Quay branch


Dear Mum and Dad,

The children have gone and so has the dog - a very empty house.  Packing has started to-day and my relief has arrived.  Farewell instructions are accumulating and we feel we are really about to leave.  It will be a busy few weeks.  The girls' stay with us was one of the most successful and the time passed quickly.  They are good fun and as bright as ever.  They were very popular here and very nice things were said about them.  Elisabeth was asked to stay the night with a young couple in the bank flats and she was very thrilled.  Particularly as the other two had had nights out at friends houses.  They exchanged one at a time with twins and at times I was never sure who was with us and which not.  The dog was equally confused.  She - Pippa - should now be in kennels in Folkestone to complete 6 months quarantine.  

All for now, hope the exlections go the right way.

Love Margo & Peter


August 15th 1974

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

P O Box 896

Collyer Quay branch


Dear Grandma & Grandpa

I'm sorry that I have not written sooner but we have been doing so many exciting things.  For the past week we have been down at Loyang and the weather was lovely all the while.  We all got quite tanned!

To-day we are going to have our nails done, because this evening we are all going to a dance party.  To-morrow, Adi Eliz and I are going to a "Ship Wreck" party, given by a friend.  Adi is going as a baby, Eliz is going in her pink negligee, and I am going in my swimming costume, with a hat and sarong, glasses and sun cream!

On Saturday, we are going to help at a fete for the whole day.  I am doing the "Lucky Dip" stall.  The others are selling tickets.

On Sunday it is the bank's Sports day, and on Monday we have been invited to swim & lunch at a friends house, as well as Adi & I having a tennis lesson.

Adi & I have been playing alot of squash and tennis lately and we have a tennis lesson on Mondays and Fridays.

Pippa is fine.  When we were down at Loyang, she swam in the sea, and in the pool.  She also went out in the canoe with Mummy!

To-day, though it is very hot and sticky,  & think it will rain.  But we need a bit of cooling down here!

I must go now

Because the car has come,

So Bye for Now

All my love

Susan xx


June 16th 74

Mrs Aylett  (my mother's mother.  She went out to live with my aunt and uncle in Canada but returned to UK a few years later)

48 Golf Ave

Pointe Claire

P. Quebec

(Not from the Far East but was included in the pile of letters)

My Dear Lily & Lionel

Was so sorry to hear that Lionel was not at all well.  Hope the news is better now.  It must be such a worry for you and I know all must feel most unhappy when your dear one is sick.  I wrote to you way back when the snow and ice was around.  But very pleased to say I can now get out and about.  Have joined three Senior Citizen's Groups so getting to know quite a few folks around my own age group.

There is an awful lot that goes on for Senior Citizens in Pointe Claire have been to two picnics.  One was put on by one of the T. V. Stations about four long drives into the Country.  So time as been going  very fast.  Also been busy helping to paint and paper Debs bedroom.  Have also finish the chair seats I told you about in my last letter.  Barbara and Alistair are very pleased with them.  and though I say so myself.  They really look nice.  Write and let me know how Lional is if you have time.  Give him my love tell thim I am looking forward to seeing him when I come over.  Take card of yourself Lily.

All the Best

Much love Gladys

9th June 1974

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

P O Box 896

Collyer Quay branch


Dear Mum and Dad,

Your letter of 10th May arrived to-day having been to Bangkok and I have also received your letters of 28th May and 5th June, so guess I am up to date.  There seems a lot for Margaret and Ian to do in Scotland.  I wonder if it is worth a visit.  Am pleased you are getting help with transport.  I am getting bi focals now and am having the reading section adjusted.  The ones made in UK were too strong and neither the optician there or here realised it, so I am only in focus very close to.  Am please the new X ray avoided the necessity of an exploring op.  I forgot just where St Helier's is - what a memory.  Is it on the road to Sutton?  I expect to be away Thurs/to Monday next week (15th) as have been given time to get away.  Very unexpected so will fly up to Penang.  The Manager is to go away on UK leave on 22nd & said this morning I should take a break.  Never happened before so must not miss it.  The 1974 wage increase are under discussion - have only finished 1973 in March, but expect agreement on these sooner.  I hope.  The girls are doing their exams.  I think Adrienne has worked hard and really hope she does well.  Have booked Caroline for Canada on 11th July as well as the other 3 to us.  Have not heard from Caroline's new school as yet.

All for now.  Best Wishes and hope all goes well.

Love Peter and Margo,

28th April 1974

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

P O Box 896

Collyer Quay branch


Dear Mum and Dad,

Many thanks for your letter.  I too have read the budget news and it does not sound too bright.  We will have to deal with it as it comes, and have to accept things will be a lot different in HK.  Good to hear Ian has got the job after such a long wait.  Liz did not receive the birthday present - she always sends "thank you" letters promptly.  Perhaps it will be at the school when she gets back next week.  They should arrive on 2nd May QF 001 at 8.15 - a bit too early for you this time.  They have all had a lot of swimming and sun, pictures, helping at the second hand shop and so on.  Liz had a good trip out after all and was provided with an escort - extra cost, but of course we were thankful rearrangements were made promptly.  The girls had the greatest worry but soon recovered.
John Cillan came through yesterday from Borneo on leave.  He and I came out together 23 yrs ago.  Unchanged and a reminder of the passage of time.  What would you like for your birthday?

All our love
Peter & Margo

7th April 1974

  The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

P O Box 896

Collyer Quay branch


Dear Mum and Dad,

Thank you for the birthday presents sent with the girls, they will be most useful.  Pity you missed Liz after all that food she asked you for.  It was good of you to see them off.  It should be the last trip but one and next time only 3 of them as Caroline plans to go to Canada.  They are all bright and well.  They settle in so quickly it is difficult to believe they have only just go here.  Took them swimming this morning and then out to lunch.  It was a buffet arrangement so they had a variety and as much as they wanted so filled them up for a while at least.  The dog appeared to recognise them and is of course quite spoilt by them.  It was a fine morning but heavy rain later so they used the time for a big turn out of cupboards.  A good exercise, because there are lots of things no longer required and not worth packing.  Must start thinking what car to get and planning other odds & ends.  It is odd to think in different terms than just coming on leave and trying to guess what things will be like.

Cheerio for now and love
Margo and Peter
and the girls

31st March 74

 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

P O Box 896

Collyer Quay branch


Dear Mum and Dad,

I do not seem to have written for ages but it has been a busy time with one person on leave and lots of things going on as usual.  The time is approaching when we will move into Ocean Building although the date has been put back.  We are also moving a nearby office in too shortly afterwards.  Some union matters have been cleared up, but others remain and it is not possible to get them all out of the way for a spell.  The election and budget are over, but I cannot see they solve anything. In fact much will give rise to an increase in all the old grouses with no solution to inflation or balance of payments.  Looking at things from a distance no country is in a strong position and the Chairman' statement at the Bank! AGM spoke of aprehension regarding the future.  

On the cheery side the children will be out next week and we will be on the go once again.  With thoughts of leaving the east we bought our second carpet a Persian "type" made in Pakistan.  Shortly afterwards we picked up 4 tatty ones which when taken for cleaning found one to be real Persian & may be of some interest.  So if shares go down maybe our carpets will go up.  Have to keep the moth out though!

All our love

Margo and Peter

Feb 4th 74

 c/o H & SBC

P O Box 896

Collyer Quay


My dear Mum & Dad,

Many thanks for your letter - so glad the girls weren't delayed & had a good trip back.  I've just been out shopping & collected some photos so thought I would write & send them off.  It is a miserable day, damp & overcast.  We were going out on a boat yesterday but it poured with rain so we all went to the club for curry lunch.

I had hoped to do some gardening today but it is too wet so shall write letters instead.  The days rush by & the girls will be back again in no time.  It's a pity that I didn't get a photo of Adrienne with her short hair cut but will try again at Easter.  Peter is up to his eyes in work, their  doesn't seem any end to it.  Tomorrow we are going to a dinner at Singapore's largest hotel to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of one of the Chinese banks.  Imagine it will be a lavish affair.  The following day we go to a cocktail party to meet the chairman of Chubbs, Lord Hayter.

Pippa is settling down well & couldn't understand where the girls had gone.  To make matters worse Chinese New Year followed soon after & the servants were off for 4 days.  Pippa followed Peter & I everywhere.  I think she was afraid we would vanish too!  She has been quite good to house train & now she is no longer shut in one of the bathrooms at night but as the run of the house, with her basket outside our bedroom door.  Luckily we only have female dogs in the compound at present so it shouldn't be too bad when Pippa comes on heat.  I am all prepared with the 'PILL" and "antimate"!!  You can see from the photos that she likes to be carried!  When Peter gets in from the office she runs out to the garden steps ready for her walk on the golf course.  (We have a 3 hole "course" in the compound) & hardly gives him time to take his jacket off.

What do you think of our hi-jackers! -it's put Singapore on the map for awhile.  It all seems a big joke but of course could have been serious if they had succeeded.  It's been all excitement here what with animals escaping from the Z00 a hippo which has taken itself int the reservoir, an eland & of course the black panther which escaped 10 months ago & has just been found (&killed) in the area where our Manager lives.  Friends of ours in the same road lost their dachshund recently & they now think the panther had him.

No other news. do you have Margaret & Ians address?

Love from us both

Peter & Margo

Friday, January 6, 2023

24th Jan 1974

  The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

Collyer Quay Branch

21 Collyer Quay

P. O. Box 896


Dear Mum and Dad,

It was good to hear the children arrived safely and transport in London was OK.  We live in very odd times with the most modern equipment, but never know whether we can travel from A to B when we want to.  Glad you liked Adrienne's appearance as I thought she looked really special.  It was a great event to get rid of that bushy mass she had before.  I think she is pleased with it & wish Susan would do something similar but guess I have to wait a couple of years till she wants it herself.  At the moment she is worried about her weight.  Chinese New Year once again and we have two days holiday & at the moment perfect weather so it should be a good rest.  As usual the end/beginning of the year seems worse than the previous one and am amazed people still join banks.  Still we do not do so badly.  Had a long rambling letter from Dorothy and must write, I a way out of date.  She talks about our "wee ones" - so is in for a shock when she meets A & S.
All the best and love
Peter & Margo

P.S. Thanks for your letter re the girls' arrival.  Glad you liked A's hairstyle.  They seem to have taken over the aircraft again.  They do better on their own - it would not be as good if we were there.

3 April 1973

 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

Collyer Quay Branch

21 Collyer Quay

P. O. Box 896


Dear Mum and Dad,

Am getting this on the way because of the girls coming out etc.  It is wonderful to know Elisabeth is coming out, she is so pleased.  Margo says you have been having trouble with our eyes - both of you.  Do not leave these things to get worse.  Instant action please and if any expense is involved let me know.  Margo told me someone of 103 had a successful op!  In court for 2 days this week on the union case and hope that will finish things for a bit.  The do drag on.  Give my regards to Maus.  How is Henry and family these days?  Must write to Henry again, wish I could dictate a letter it is easier, my hand is cramped at the end of a day.  Will get the girls to write.  Shares dull everywhere except gold.  Am reading a life of Disraeli.  So heavy, but very interesting to know the Conservative Party was for the "working class" when opposing Whigs & Liberals but none of them had a consistent policy and were just as muddled as today.  Even wars started because of total misconceptions & lack of knowledge, as they do now.

All my love Peter.

7th January 1973

P O Box 896


Dear Mum and Dad

The mail has been delayed over two weeks so guess a gap at this time of year is to be expected.  Hope you had a good Christmas.  I did well with parties, from then to New Yea and continuing this week.  It will continue because we have a new No 1 arriving this month.  A big dance last night at the manager's house, I do not know how many.  Band til 2 am and wore a black tie for the first time since Johore.  I do not know if I have mentioned the No 1s house before - Mount Echo.  It can only be described as palatial, it is so big.  Set on a hill in several acres, it is about the biggest in Singapore.  However, its days are numbered and quite possibly that was the last big party to be held there.  Margo mentioned Ian Macleod is still negotiating his leaving the bank and seems quite determined.

The girls are enjoying their holidays and their letters are gay despite the odd problem which has cropped up.  Elisabeth's last letter was well written.

All for now, trust you are keeping fit.

All my love
