Monday, January 9, 2023

29 Sept 1974

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

P O Box 896

Collyer Quay branch


Dear Mum and Dad,

Am so pleased you saw the children.  Reg was rushing around on that day and he must have been worried about Ada.  I believe she is home now and trust the treatment will put things right.  I do not expect the girls to marry yet but you never know, however, they are all pretty sensible.  Susan now thinks she will go into a bank, having asked me how we make the profits.  She is doing a few 'O' levels early - in November as we want her & Adrienne to move to another school which will be more suitable for 'A' levels.  We gave our party to the officers & wives on Friday about 100 of us.  Guess that is we do not come out east again, these last parties here will be the last of their kind ever.  Our other party will be in the Hyatt Hotel for 160.

This is a bit scrappy but we will catch up once we are home.  Expect to fly in from Nirobi on 23rd Oct.  Am not sure if we will call on our way.  It will depend on the time.  We have to get home & open up the house.  Liz comes out for half term on 25th and so there is a tight schedule.

All our love

Margo & Peter


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