Sunday, March 10, 2013

28th May 1963

Flat 4,
"Fung Shui"
50 Plantation Road

My dear Mum & Dad,

It is ages since I wrote to you but as you can guess my days are very full so that I usually leave it to Peter to give you all the news.  At the moment, most of the family - except Elisabeth & myself - have bad colds.  There is a virus going around and most of the children are down with it.  Caroline & Adrienne are nearly better & Susan's temperature is down today.  Of course it is very hot 95 degrees, apparently the hottest May since 1900!  The weather seems to be haywire everywhere.  We are still desperately short of water and are ration to 4 hours supply every other day.  To be honest it doesn't affect us a great deal but people living in large blocks of flats have a problem as do the poor people whose only means of obtaining water is to queue at the hydrants.  It means that their children have to stand in line nearly all day.

We went for a drive on Sunday and passed the large reservoirs in the New Territories.  These were completely dried up with grass growing in the bottom.  For several days now large storm clouds have been gathering but they all pass over & presumably their precious water comes down in the sea somewhere!

Caroline & Adrienne normally wear white dresses to school but this rule has been relaxed to save washing.  They are both in their element deciding what they are going to wear each day! (it doesn't really save as they get just as dirty whatever they wear!)

Elisabeth is improving still & is growing in to a big girl - Her legs are certainly much stronger.  We have just had new boots made for her & her calipers are being altered.  Yesterday she was measured for a bamboo walking frame for home use.  She manages very well with the one at Sandy Bay.  When we have the walker at home I shall only take her to Sandy Bay twice a week.  With the hot weather , the physiotherapist finds Elisabeth getting overtired.  It is quite a long journey & we return during the heat of the day.  I am also joining the Ladies Recreation Club because they have a swimming pool (but no water at the moment!).  It is convenient to the house & I can swim with Elisabeth early in the morning.  Professor Hodgson is going on leave this week & returns in November.  He may be able to operated on Elisabeth's foot next year.

Joyce & Ian Townend who have just completed a tour in Hongkong, have asked for & being allowed to do another tour here.  They have a daughter of 8 with badly deformed arms & hands and the professor is going to do a series of operations on Debbie next year in an attempt to improve them.

Phoebe, our kitten is having a wonderful game with the waste-paper basket - she looks very lively now but on Friday I had a very sad little kitten on my hands.  The small boy next door (3 1/2) came to see Elisabeth & during his five minute visit managed to drop Phoebe over the balcony!  I can't imagine how a child would do such a thing - it made me feel quite sick at the time.  The girls were very upset & the kitten was in a terrible state.  I had a long drive to take it to the vets and I really expected it to die during the journey.  However, the vet examined her & found that the only thing wrong was severe bruising & a bad eye & mouth where she had landed on her head.  I had to give her milk through an eye dropper for about 24 hours & then she recovered.  Even the eye looks fine even tho' she was expected to lose it.  Poor Phoebe she has had an eventful life already, having been found on the hillside near Sandy Bay.  She was so tiny that again it wasn't expected that she would live but the Matron fed her every 2 hours by means of a bottle!

We are having a spaniel on Friday, taking Shane over from the Campbells who are going on leave.

I have just finished making myself a suit for the summer & now I am making Susan a dress.  She has grown so much that none of her clothes fit and of course Adrienne is so hard on clothes that she never has any to pass on.  Incidentally, Susan is the tubby one of the family - Adrienne is becoming quite slim & is losing her large tummy.  She is very thrilled this week because she has just started to read at school.  In her last report (maybe Peter told you?), her teacher said that she was progressing well but was a slow starter & not yet ready for reading.  Caroline can read very well & we have run out of books for her to read - she scorns all the 'baby' books!!

We had a nice letter from Margaret this week who apparently hasn't heard from us for ages!  I though I had written a few months back but I must have been thinking of someone else!  I shall try & write this week I expect Fiona is becoming more grown up then ever.  Time passes so quickly - it's hard to believe that children grow so fast.

Love from us all & big kisses for the girls


I expect you will soon be hearing all the news about the Canadian trip.

27th May 1963

The Hongkong and Shanghai BC
Hong Kong

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Have recently written to Ian & Margaret and Ian and Emma and consequently cannot remember if I have written my usual letter to you.  We are going though a hot dry period just now with an acute shortage of water.  We had a drive on the mainland at the weekend and saw many dry reservoirs.  Clouds are about but it won't rain and we are rationed to a few hours every two days.  If nothing happens before the end of the month restrictions will be more severe.  Presumably because of the hot weather we all have colds which are difficult to throw off but apart from this everyone seems very happy.  Elisabeth has new boots and shoes and her leg support have been made longer and she is once again enjoying her swimming and kicking well.

Margo's mother has written - the letter was delayed a little and the journey proved to be enjoyable.  It seems the trip will have been worth while.

Hope you have a pleasant birthday and good weather - the BBC news suggests that it should be.

Love from us all,

6th May 1963

The Hongkong and Shanghai BC
Hong Kong

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Many thanks for the cheque Dad - very good of you.  I shall be getting the case in due course.  Your stay in Bournemouth was a good change for you both - you mention that is is still cool.  We are now in the eighties without rain and face further restrictions in the water supply.  Henry's Louise appears to be very comfortable and they do not mind popping up and down to Wolverhampton every day or so!

We are still pottering on in the same old way, with nothing specially interesting cropping up.  Expat things will free wheel a little now until the Chief Inspector returns from leave in June.  It is possible that I will then do an inspection somewhere, but I do not know.  In fact the odd thing about this place is that one lacks information in much the same way as one does away in a branch.

Saw "Mutiny on the Bounty" last night and enjoyed a lot of it, though it was very long and funny in parts where it wasn't supposed to be.

A baby kitten called Phoebe has been bought home by Elisabeth from the children's home, on the pretext that it is a birthday present for me.  Luckily it adores children as all four pull it about endlessly and it is in constant demand.  I believe we are getting a dog next month.

We have joined the Stanley Club which consists of a substantial club house and clean and quiet beach in the surrounds of Stanley Prison.  It started and is run by the Prison staff and is the only private and well kept beach here.  We have purchased a beach umbrella and on Sunday went down for the first time.  It was great.  The water very clean and as good as in Borneo - parking space for the car and other children for ours to play with.  There are several social events arranged during the month which we shall enjoy, but the main requirement was the beach for the children under reasonable condidtions as I had been warned that the others eventually become crowded, noisy and dirty once the hot weather was underway.

So with our first six months completed in residence here we are gradually accepting the odditys of the place.  There is so much of it however, that it will be a long time before we can say that we know it.

Cheerio for now and once again thank you very much for my present.

Love from us all,

Sunday, March 3, 2013

2nd April 1963

The Hongkong and Shanghai BC
Hong Kong

Dear Mum Dad and Alan,

I have really let time slide away without answering your last letter.  Anyway the measles are gone and all the girls are now fit and well, putting on the weight they lost and tanned from the sunshine on the beach last weekend.  Elisabeth had to go without exercises for a time but has done well from the rest and seems very strong.  However, is going to have the bad foot in plaster again this week and so will not be able to do much until six weeks are passed.  Caroline has brought home a very good painting and a small colouring book.  She seems to be good with her hands producing neat work with well matched colours.

The weather has been very kind to us.  We have had some cloud and mist but large patches for clear weather in between giving us too good weekends  One we spent on Lang Tao island in a very countryfied district and last weekend out with friends on their boat, with the children on a beach where they had plenty of fun.

On Saturday we went to our first party on the mainland by car.  Quite a long drive and watching the time for the 1 am ferry - but a change to drive once more on a flat road.  We have some more friends visiting from Borneo just now - it is about a year since we left Jesselton and it is good to catch up on the news.  They have not been here before, so now that we have got to know the place a little we can impress them the big city.  They are certainly impressed with the traffic and the fact that we both drive in it.

Cheerio for now and all our love,

11th March 1963

The Hongkong and Shanghai BC
Hong Kong

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Many thanks for your letter and card for Elisabeth.  My no smoking continues but so does the eating and putting on weight.  Could well be a problem - am very pleased with myself though but still have to resist the temptation.

Your cold weather has gone and so has ours thought of course the two did not compare.  We are now in cloud which can continue for sometime -  maybe two months - but the sun comes through down below.

The tape-recorder is OK.  Is Alan sending the tape back? as I can record at his speed.  Have got the colour slides and they are OK.  Shall send them seamail.  I do not follow the thing about the plug on the wall - anyway everything has been OK so far.  All four children have had measlesso have been away from school.  Adrienne had previously gone happily to her new school and is back again now.  Susan is back and Caroline will be off next week.  Elisabeth is fit but cannot go to Sandy Bay just yet.  Then she will be having a plaster on for two weeks to straighten the left foot which has turned again.  This will put her exercises and swimming task for a while but this cannot be helped. 

Elisabeth had her party to-day though her big one will be with Susan next week when we can safely invite other children in.   We bought a charming dress for her £1 and will do the same for Susan.  I got her a Jeep (one she can sit in) strong and hefty and the other girls can sit in too.  Although it does not look it is is second hand and represents a large saving.  She also had a dressed doll and jigsaw which she can do and seemed very happy.  Had a letter from Ian and Emma which mentioned they are booking their holiday already and of course detailing their awful cold up there - I do not envy them  Scotland this winter though perhaps it was just as bad in London.

Went on the mainland with the car for the first time this weekend.  Visited a new office of ours at Kwongtong on the other side of Kai Tak airport.  As the ceremonial key was solid gold it bent at the opening and they nearly did not open.  Went on to Clear Water Bay, past some of the army camps and Shaw's movie town to picnic lunch on the hills, looking over the sea.  The girls enjoyed it.  The ferry  is very efficient but with over 100 cars in the queue to go over we had to wait 20 minutes or so.

Friends have a share in a motor launch and we are invited at the weekend, so hope the sun is out.  It is grand to get out at the weekend for a picnic.

Cheerio for now & lots of love from us all

27th Jan 63

The Hongkong and Shanghai BC
written on an airletter

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

We have had a three day weekend for Chinese New Year and with fine weather which has not been too cold.  Spent a day on the beach yesterday with a lunch picnic and out of the breeze we were warm enough for shirt and shorts.  Probably the best time of the year for the beach here as no one else was about.  They become very crowded in summer.  Your weather has been awful but the news tonight indicates a let up and I trust the severe conditions are over.

We have bought our tape-recorder!  Having received the bonus we decided part of it should be spent on a t least one of Hong Kongs bargains and a tape-recorder will be invaluable elsewhere in the east.  For Alan's information it is a SONY 362-B-two track, 3 speed.  I have recorded by microphone from by radio (perfect reception on the Peak) and by attachment to my record play at 4.5 and have excellent results.  A seven inch tape has 6x12" long plays on it now and I haven't started with all I want to do.  The children have their tapes and I do not now have to keep getting up and down to put records on whilst having my tea.  Incidently I got a £10 discount (20%) which was not to be sneezed at.

Am halfway through a colour film and as there will be only one set of prints which I will send you I hope Alan will be able to do the necessary for distribution - that is provided they come out.  I have only taken half as I wish each one to count and be of interest.  They are quite expensive even in this place.  The Peak presents a fine sight of a British Naval Unit - the aircraft carrier "Hermes" and escorts in place of the usual USA ships in the anchorage and these ought to have come out.  Please get Alan to confirm the playback speed of 4 1/2, 9 1/2 or 19 and I will send back a tape of the children sometime.

Love from us all

PS Caroline answers the phone by herself now without any trace of hesitation - friends call her up at all times and she speaks quite naturally. P.

Written on the outside of the airletter.  "July (too hot) August thunderstorm whirlwinds End April & May wet."