Sunday, March 10, 2013

27th May 1963

The Hongkong and Shanghai BC
Hong Kong

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Have recently written to Ian & Margaret and Ian and Emma and consequently cannot remember if I have written my usual letter to you.  We are going though a hot dry period just now with an acute shortage of water.  We had a drive on the mainland at the weekend and saw many dry reservoirs.  Clouds are about but it won't rain and we are rationed to a few hours every two days.  If nothing happens before the end of the month restrictions will be more severe.  Presumably because of the hot weather we all have colds which are difficult to throw off but apart from this everyone seems very happy.  Elisabeth has new boots and shoes and her leg support have been made longer and she is once again enjoying her swimming and kicking well.

Margo's mother has written - the letter was delayed a little and the journey proved to be enjoyable.  It seems the trip will have been worth while.

Hope you have a pleasant birthday and good weather - the BBC news suggests that it should be.

Love from us all,

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