Friday, April 30, 2010

11 Mar 1960

Written on HSBC Jesselton airmail letter.

Dear Mum Dad & Alan,

Well Elisabeth took her time in coming into the world! Margo went in on Thursday morning - not because anything had started but mainly for inducement - caster oil & quinine. She had a good sleep till 1.30 am Friday when things started up and the baby arrived at 7.45 am. 8 lbs 14 oz! the biggest yet and when I saw her at 8 oclock, paying a merely routine visit she was yelling lustily and looked at least a month old. I fed Margo with her breakfast as she lay on the delivery table, because she was too hungry to wait till she returned to her room.

She appeared very well and sleepy when I left at nine for the office. Thank goodness that one is over and Margo can relax again. Am trying to make the best of the falling market and have bid 40/- for Beecham Group (strongly recommended by Acorn as is BMC at 19/- (I hope)) and Financial Times tip Roan Antelope Copper for which I have bid 7/-. If the market rises, & I don't get them I shall not worry as my other shares will benefit. At a guess April will see a rise.

Love Peter

PS. Have not received your letter this week.

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