Tuesday, February 11, 2014

12th June 1963

The Hongkong & Shanghai Bank

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Thank you for your letter.  We are all fit as far as colds go but Margo has had a bad back.  After a complete check and X-ray it has, in effect, been put down to old age, which is not very complimentary.  However, she is to have some massage and heat treatment which we hope will ease matters.  Saw Merchant Venturer came second in the Derby.  I fancied it by name but did nothing.  It is still hot and sticky here with still no rain.  I am comfortable in the office with very efficient airconditioning and find the difference rather overpowering when coming home.  Am at present inspecting one of the Hongkong Office departments, which is a change and provides lots of interest.  The department is run by eight officers and up to a hundred clerks, handling imports, so you can imagine that it is fairly complex.

We now have the walker which is a success.  Also a Wendy House bought from someone going on leave.  Big enough for two children to go into.  And a pedigree spaniel Shan, who came from downstairs, also on leave.  So we are now six plus three servants, one child, one kitten and one dog.  (The wash amah is also expecting a baby).  So it is lucky that the flat is big.

Thank you for Caroline's present -we have something in mind.  A garden of flowers and things which can be rearranged in plastic.  Will let you know the cost eventually.  Talking about inspections, I was all set for Manila and Iloilo.  Had my visa and ticket.  But it was cancelled a the last moment.  It would have been an eventful two weeks as I know a few people in both places.

My latest craze is snorkel and flippers.  Spend hours watching crabs and fish.  The flippers are very powerful and can go quite fast with one child on my back.

Hope the ink has not smudged too much this paper is damp.

Love from us all

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