Tuesday, February 11, 2014

27th June 1963

The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Thank you for your letter concerning Reg.  I wrote to Maud by return post.  As you say he has been ill for a very long time but one imagined he would go on for some time yet.

We are continuing to struggle with our water shortage - I can wash all over in 1/2 basin and we manage to last 4 days before water is turned on again.  A little rain has fallen but we now need about 40 inches to catch up and provide a store for next winter and this amount is not expected.

Caroline's birthday was a great excitement and success.  She had a watch, a bride doll, dresses, books etc and was very thrilled.  Her party went well on the Monday following - she even had a Japanese girl as a guest.

We went on a launch picnic on Sunday as it was my turn for the Bank boat, the 'Wayfoong".  Took two other couples and had fun at Rocky Harbour, the other side of Kai Tak (airport) - near Gin Druiker's Bay, past Junk Bay - if you have a map.  It was very hot and we were a bit scortched but we all had fun.

Caroline is learning tables - is up to her 4 times.  Remembering how you had to teach me much later on I have been encouraging her to say them at breakfast.

Have first scribbled this off quickly as the days are passing in wet fashion again and I know I will not just sit down at night.  We shal be into the half year's work next month and we have been here for 8 months now - still no news of a change from this present job.

Love from us all
Peter xxx

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