Tuesday, October 9, 2012

9th December, 1962

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corpn
Hong Kong

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

The fog in UK must have held up the mail - the reports on it sounded horrific and must have been unpleasant for you.  Our very cold weather has left us and the present temperature is bearable - however, I have had a cold, as most people have in the office, but the worst of it is over now.  The rest of the family have not been bothered with it yet and I hope they miss it.  Elisabeth continues her visits to Sandy Bay and is very happy.  Susan is bored and we intend to send her to a small nursery we have heard about for a few hours each day.  Adrienne is in her school concert next week and insists that Margo see her as an "angel".  Caroline is taken up with her friends - the main one having the same name as her own and living nearby.  We had two Borneo friends in to dinner last week - he was a CID man in Jesselton and is the same here.  We spent some time talking about the old place and the interesting aspects of his job here.  Had a game of bridge with a Dr Steven and his wife at the university - we met them on the ship.  Last night was the big mess party held in their palatial new building.  Certainly a change from my day.  Huge crowds there and lots to eat, dancing and talking.  We slept in late this morning.  After lunch took the children out to the local farm which is quite and attraction.  Bears and monkeys and for Elisabeth a large "worm" which in fact was a python, slides, fish in aquarium plus the usual turkeys, geese & hens which comprise the main reason for the farm.  The sun was out and a pleasant afternoon was spent there.  I played my first game of squash last week and found I was most unfit.  It is a very strenuous game.  The court is at the top of the bank and it is well to make use of such a handy facility.  Despite the general cold, I stood under a cold shower to cool off - most bracing!

Cheerio for now and trust you are well.
 Love from us all,

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