Thursday, December 18, 2008


Hongkong & Shanghai Bankg.Corpn.
Sungei Patani,

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Thanks very much for your two letters in one received a little late owing to the fact that it had to come via the Penang office. No worry for future letters however as I return to my parent office tomorrow.

Think that you now have all the details of the car, but in case I did not mention the colour, it is light grey, a fairly common colour since the war and it does suit this model. Have now passed the four hundred mark and will have completed the initial running in period by Monday. it will then have its first servicing with more to follow once per month thereafter.

Should you not manage the Digest idea, I have remembered another stunt which I have always been keen on, but have not done and that is the "book club". Many people out here have a subscription and are well satisfied with the results.

The area of Malaya that surrounds S. Patani is known as one of the richest in vegetation in the world and indeed its luxurious greeness is unexapable. I have now passed through three small areas from the coast, commencing from the disembarkation point at Butterworth, the coast town opposite Penang and as soon as one is out of the town and passed the airport, the road is lined with palms. The tallest, greenest and most gracefull palms one could wish for and there are enough to fill all the stories of the tropics and desert islands etc. The road at this point runs close to the sea and as the sun was setting on my first trip up country the picture of palms swaying against water coloured gently by the then disappearing sunset, was most easternish. It is only when one catches a glimpse, like this, that it bourne in on one that this is not dear old England avec snow, rain, hail etc. and one is actually in the Flaming East.

Very soon the road branches due north and enters the area solid with rubber. Trees in line with the red winding gash for tapping, marked with peculiar black crosses and lines denoting, presumably, age and quality and probably yeld also. Easch has a little cup attached, about two feet from the base of the trunk -, but this item is common knowledge even though when first seen "in the flesh" it comes as a shock to realise that the geography books were not just kidding. Sugei Patani is in the middle of this particular patch of rubber and it is not, therefore, until about twelve miles out on the other side of the town that it ceases and abruptly becomes "paddy". Rich once more, this time the commodity is nearer the needs of the people but not nearly enough as far as the quantity goes as, with sugar, rice is one of the two rationed items in the Federation.

Yesterday, being the Muslim Sabbath, we had our usual Friday off in place of Saturday, and I took a drive out that way. It was most picturesque, the fields being patterned with the varying shade of scorched stubble and containing the resting beasts of burden, the weirdly long horned cow, wollowing in the mud holes or placidly chewing at anything green within reach.

It was nice of Mrs Brooks to wish to be remembered to meand I'd be pleased if you would give my thanks.

I have no wish to keep the Bank Employee's effort up and thought I had told them so .... am sure of it in fact.

Am glad to hear that the market situation is improving though think you will have found it dwon a bit since writing. Chota ....I have not been able to get any definite info., but have found that the plantation is in the Kuala Lumpar district quite away south from here. The area given is roughly that of 750 acres and you can check this too. Talking it over with the district Public Works Office engineer, who knows this country (not the firm) he gave it as his opinion that such a small acerage could never be a good profit making concern and that if at the present time a Div. has not been declared it never will be. Rubber is around a peak perios and I think you will agree. If you can sell now showing some profit, though small I should certainly do so. Heard from the same source about a small well balanced gold mining concern which is supposed to be "go ahead" with a good manager and certain new equipment which should be worth investigation. The marking is now on the upgrade, though tens to fluctuate for no apparent reason. The proper name Im not sure of. It is at RAUB and is probably entitled Raub Gold something. It may not of course have a London marking and dividends may be subject to Malayan Income Tax. However will provide you with some interesting research, knowing your interest in all things gold and not remembering you mention anything out here. In tin Eastern Smelting is the big number with the banks. Glad Reg has at last made a purchase and see he has an eye on you as a future recruit to the great game of bowls.

My week in an exalted position is now at a close, Everything passed off satisfactory and I am now spending the Sat. aft. & evening here. The Sub Agent returned on Thursday but has used the intervening time for recuperation and has now taken over. Official letters were passed regarding the business so it is pleasing to know that both Singapore and Hongkong will have it on record.

John Seaton is out of hospital and is having 3 wks sick leave. Has not yet had an op. as the dysentry had to be cleared first. It may not now be necessary but is seeing the surgeon this week for a check.

Have not met the man who came down to Penang to relieve me and as I have decided to stay on till tomorrow shall now miss him. The food and surroundings are so pleasant here that I could not resist the extra time spent with them.

Thats about all for the moment -
Cheerio and Love Peter

(There is a diagram on the back of this letter showing the positions of S Patani and Butterworth by the Indian Ocean.)

P.S. Ian will know H. Davies as he acted in London as Sub Manager between tours last year and has a step daughter in Telegrams.

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