Tuesday, December 2, 2008

17th January 1951

H & S. B. C.

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Have received your letter sent direct to Penang for which many thanks, but as yet have not had any of those via Singapore.

I don't know whether I mentioned the work in inspector's dept last time; but it consisted of working all the Malayan balance sheet and profit and loss figures into Hongkong dollars. Was very interesting and enjoyed those tow days a lot. Our bonus has come through - 10% of basic salary which means I have a present of 54 pounds, though this covers my next insurance premium in December, I have also a small amount extra which I have sent to my London a/c.

Now have a/cs in three countries but am closing the Hongkong one as soon as my January mess bills are through.

It seems one of my more interesting letters has just reached you by sea. I'm sorry about that as it was intended for AIR. The dept. concerned must have made a mistake or it may have been the post office. Hope the parcel is O.K anyway.

Was very interested in Alan's doings. Its a jolly good show and hope it continues so - nothing like breaking the monotony with the unusual. The glass of ale sounded good - it needs watching though as even 1/2 can make you go to sleep in the afternoon. Its best left till evening - though perhaps that only counts in the heat.

Am afraid Ian is in for a hectic time in telegrams - its always busy in very large office and demands constant concentration; am glad Dad is going to the "Old Comrades" Assn dinner - believe that they can be good fun - hope you enjoy it.

You can put MALAYA on your envelopes if you want. This last letter took 5 days. Postmarked 2 pm 12 Jan Balham and was on my desk first thing today 17th Jan. so Penang alone must O.K.

I think I mentioned that John Seaton was a keen polo player. Well I 've been down several times now to watch and have met most of the club. Don't think I'll ever play myself - its a bit hectic but quite frustrating to watch. A visiting Pakistani brigadier was playing on Saturday - he is an international and magnificent horseman.

Was taken down to the beach on Sunday and enjoyed a good swim. Met lots of people and stayed on at the Swimming Club till late afternoon. Got a little burnt but not much and have been recommended a good lotion. - Scoll - to put on before going in the sun. Have a good pair of clip-on sun glasses and wear these whenever outside during the day.

Last night we had a terrific party with all members of the bank, various army wives, and many of John's friends. After the majority had gone at about nine we rolled up the rugs for dancing - ending with bread and cheese at two this morning. Was very successful and everyone had a gay time. This was in our house by the way as you can guess that its nice and roomy.

My tin trunk has arrived from Hongkong and now have my various oddments adding colour to my own room. They go quite well - much smarter than in the Peak Mess at Hkg.

We are soon to have an Alsation in the house as the local magistrate is going on leave and can't take the dog with him. It'll be rather fun though the children next door will probably be trying to ride on his back.

Will have to start learning Malay soon as it is necessary to get around completely. Hope to have a lesson once a week and can then practise on the servants.

Had a letter from Margaret and hope to answer it in due course. Have a pile to answer and some are a little old - shall have to really get down to it over the weekend.

Don't know how I shall manage with future parcels but sugar and rice will be out as we are rationed here - though not too noticeably. Have mentioned the one on the Corfu which will be in next month sometime.

I sold my tennis racquet in HongKong and now have a new one of better weight more suited to my grip. Hope to get a game in soon and have joined the club.

Loans for cars seem to be going off as Singapore office have said that I should supply outright 25% 100 pounds over, for my car. I told the Acct this morning that that was out of the question and I'd walk! He said that he would see what he could do by private letter to the Singapore office as I must have a car here. I would certainly be hopeless without one, so I said that with a bit of a squeeze I'd raise 40 pounds for a start. It will mean using a little reserve that I wanted in hand but no doubt it will accumulate again.

Bob Seton left for Singapore after handing over completely to me and to-night I balance my first ledger, "spot", first tiem so am quite pleased. There is a lot to learn and so long as the snags crop up slowly I hope to be able to deal with them in order. The Barclay's training has given me a good leg up in this respect and have used it a lot of late.

We move into a brand new building soon with all modern fixtures and fittings including air conditioning. It will probably be a bid do with champagne flowing (letter ends here - pages missing).

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