Wednesday, September 1, 2010

3rd December 1960

Written on HSBC Jesselton airmail letter.

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Many thanks for your letter - this time I have delayed replying because I have been busy - we are again short in the office and over the end of the month too. We have received your birthday parcel and the children loved the toys. I though the Panda particularly good and so does Adrienne. Elisabeth is definitely improving though slowly enough for us to forget how she was as against how she is. The head is much stronger and she has very strong body movements. Arching her back and half turning sideways. She is now 22lbs which is against Adrienne's 20lbs at that age. There is still not much for the doctor or physiotherapist to do but they are very helpful in making periodic checks. Adrienne is changing and seems more grown up this week. Susan has started to be a bit of a minx. It is the Sub Acct who is moving and we are to take over his house in Feb. It was newly build this year and is on the beach. It is smaller than ours but has airconditioner supplied by the bank and all in all there are many advantages - the golf course is nearby and the sea on our doorstop. It will be grand for the children. It willo not be official till the end of Feb. So do not tell anyone but I am also to be Acting S/Acct with a small raise. It is quite a surprise and a pleasant one. However, it is not a permanent appointment as one does not get that till 14 yrs are up, so does not mean very much and I must not put on "airs". It may be a way the bank has ????? of the passage money and in anycase is very good of the powers to be.

Margo continues to be ??? helping with the Golf Club Christmas party and making 3 fancy dresses for the children. I played golf last Sunday and through the efforts of my partner won our match. It was Scotland v The Rest and the Scotsmen lost so we had a free curry lunch at their expense. They had been up all night celebrating St Andrew's and were severely handicapped. Breakfast was served them at 1st tee consisting of boiled egg and Brandy Ginger Ale - this might have kept them awake but did not help their golf at all. Thanks Dad for your figures on Roan - I still have not had the report and await it with interest. There is certain interest in ? at the moment - but I do not know enough about it. Cheerio for now and love from us all


(Editor's note. There are a lot of smudges on this letter probably due to water - hence the ? marks )

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