Monday, September 5, 2016

26th Sept 1965

The Hongkong and Shanghai BC
Central PO Box 227

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Thank you for your letter we have not crossed this time.  We have had two typhoons which were quite strong for Japan but generally not as bad as Hong Kong.  However, they can cause enough damage to shipping and the local type house and by flooding put the railways out of action and we lost our electricity for one night.  This is because of the overhead lines.

The "Acting" appointment is different from "temporary" as it is made by the Board.  Rather like the army when you carry a rank which is not substantive, so you can revert to the previous position as soon as a replacement arrives.  This looks like February now although no official notification has come through yet.

Luckily not many of the exhibition visitors have come here but I am invited to meet the Chairman of Lloyds at a cocktail party and Chairman of PO on board "Oriana" for cocktails and buffet.  We ourselves have a small dinner for an executive of Daiwa Bank.  He is Japanese and almost invited himself by asking Tada san, my Advisor, of some way to obtain the atmosphere of an European home.  Then we are out to cocktails to view BMC new season's cars, then dinner with a Chartered Accountant.  With the hot weather gone everyone is catching up on their entertaining.

I have nearly finished painting the kitchen.  A great many cupboards and limited time but it is nearly done.  Glossy white- quite tough to put on.  The reason I did it was to show that the charges of £46 were too high.  I will finish it for £2 plus the cost of having the ceiling done for £8.  Not that I pay for it anyway but it keeps my hand in.

I would like to buy Dad a tie - a "Bias"terelyne.  So please go and buy one & let me know.  I would like one too to go with a grey suit please, this can be for Christmas.  You know you can wash it in warm water and soap.  D not iron but smooth down on a flat surface to dry.

Kitchen bridge + bridge, not too serious!

Must remember "Wiggin Teape" I did meet a youngster in HK at a party but did not connect then.  If I can do anything for them here I'd be glad to but expect they have all the connections they want.

The brass rubbings will be paper, not so heavy.

Margo says we have not had the bill for Caroline's books so it must still be to come.

We have had a busy time with a new assistant manager visiting from Tokyo and a visit by the bank lawyer.  A staff party for the former, officers and wives came to eighteen and everything went well & was quite impressive.  Had many words of praise the following day when they all said they had enjoyed themselves.  I think it was because we made it as informal as possible and kept the glasses moving!  Haynes sent Margo lots of flowers the next day and seemed pleased.

The bank lawyer I knew from HK & we took him to dinner on Rokko Mt to see the view.  It was a change for all of us.

Played some tennis yesterday - the weather is grand just now and the weekend has been well spent.

Love from us all


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