Tuesday, June 19, 2018

22nd April 1969

On The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation air mail letter Johore Bahru Malaysia

Dear Mum and Dad,

Thank you for your letter and also for looking after A & S.  I hope you were not worn out with them but they obviously had a good time.  It was such a pity about A's results because if she had kept up last term's standards all would have been well but she is easily influenced by giggly types and so has dropped behind badly.  Caroline on the other hand did have a tough time when she came to the UK and had a lot to catch up on - she has done this and come 3rd which is very pleasing.  How Susan does so well all the time I do not know as she is scatty and her spelling is worse than mine - more misplaced letters than anything.  Of course we do not see their fortnightly reports now but hope to see Adrienne's next term - she is very capable but must not stay behind otherwise she will become discouraged.  Margo's plane is now on the 11th so she will have an extra week which is all to the good.  Glad Alan's flat is on the way and will be keeping my fingers crossed for him.  Guess Di will be pleased to have more room.  Dad's sale of R.S.T. was good.  The Budget has hit the market but then it was due after the last two year's rise.  America is dull also.  Guess we will not see much action until the election and in the meantime hope to see something worth buying that looks cheap.  Am sitting in the office writing this as it is the week of the banking exams and we are invigilating.  Glad I am not sitting as the papers look pretty tough!  Hope you enjoy your trip to Bournemouth.  Pity my slides are not ready yet but they will be soon and will send them as soon as received.  Let me know if you have any Australian shares you recommend.  I have an interest in Hammersly through Kaiser Steel.  It seems the best place to invest in while there are still doubts about Sterling.

Cheerio for now and all my love


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