Tuesday, June 19, 2018

May 11th 1969

Written on Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation air letter from Johore Bahru Malaysia

My dear Mum & Dad,

Very many thanks for your letter.  I have at last settled down again & have acclimatized myself to the weather!  It has been very hot & humid but we had a terrific storm this afternoon which cooled things down a little.  Life goes on much the same as before - I still go over to Singapore - there were a few incidents but the Government has things firmly under control (or so it would seem).  Anyway everyone goes about their daily business as before - not like Malaysia (except for Johore State) where they are still subject to curfew at nights from 7 pm in most places.  However, we hope things will gradually return to normal.  We have been lucky as it hasn't effected us al all.

The girls will be here next month and they return to the U.K on Sept 15th - arriving on Sept 16th at 11.00am by BOAC flight B.A.713.

I am very busy with the Spastic school now that I am working committee Chairman - I try to visit the school most days for an hour & usually find that I spend all morning there!!  We have 25 children attending from 3-13 & most of them are badly crippled & with bad speech defects.  There is some hope for the younger children as we can give them exercises but some of the older ones are too badly deformed to be of much help - except of course to give them mental stimulation & prevent them lying at home & turning into cabbages.

The girls are spending June 22nd over at Whitfield with some of Caroline's friends as my mother is giving them a birthday lunch & tea.  Richard from the "Archers" is acting as taxi driver!!  My mother is seeing the specialist on July 16th - the neighbours have been helpful - cutting the grass & someone is going to help with the housework (places my mother can't reach).  We are going to a farewell dinner for Susan Rogers (the Elliots daughter) tomorrow.  She is taking a parcel home for Caroline.  No more room.

Love Margo & Peter

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