Tuesday, January 27, 2009

14th March 1952

Written on Bank stationary.


Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Have to-day received your typewritten letter - it did look odd - especially Alan coming in in the middle for purpose of correcting it.

Glad to hear that a spot of sun has come out at hope - I suppose Spring is ready to come into full flower now. It is strange not having any real seasons here. We are just commencing to have a spot of rain (sheets of it) after a particularly long hot spell. I think I can remember the same last year.

The Budget appears to have been welcomed with open arms - except for our Communist friends of course - I think it may well be the answer to the Sterling Area's difficulties so the UK position is a vital point in set up. A stronger pound will eventually help out at home and cost of living will be forced down after marginal working units have been drowned by the tide of scarcity of money (brought about by the rise in bank rate - another 1 1/2 %). (The avoe should not be quoted in any financial paper of repute!?)

However, apart from the joking, there is going to be a change and it will happen pretty fast.

Haven't done anything of particular interest since I last wrote this week so will end at this juncture.


P.S. I shall be a conscientious objector if they try to conscript me again! In Malaya too! Actually whether a bill passed or not these days all manpower is well tied up.

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