Thursday, January 1, 2009

15th May 1951

Hongkong Bank,

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Thank you very much for your letter of 10th. Am sending some more photos with this letter and hope you like them. The "?" means jungle - sorry I didn't interpret.

My birthday went very well - I think I covered that in my last letter. Had lots of mail. A card from the Dables and one from Pam Peter & Clive. Please thank them for me as am cluttered up with letters to answer at the moment.

My socks came to about 15/- thought I had mentioned this but must have forgot. Sorry to hear of Fiona's eye, hope it clears up soon. Guess Henry's house will be quite a problem - though it will be excellent if the scheme works out. Am sure that I told you the new Agent came from Malacca - he is OK though have not seen much of him. I have received Henry's book though have had no time to read it as yet. Am still swinging a club. The old servants went because they weren't up to the standard we require - the new ones are going too at the end of the month. Its just a case of trying until someone suitable comes along.

Have had a long and interesting letter from Bill - he has passed his exams and is now trying for his finals. His deafness is getting quite serious and he sounds worried about it. Evidently he tried for a new job and thinks he was turned down because of it. Hope he can get it seen to.

Had a party on Saturday with some people down from Ipoh and Tiaping. They had come in for the weekend to see (this is the end of this letter too - how frustrating!)

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