Monday, September 4, 2017

20th August 1967

Written on HSBC airletter from Kowloon Branch

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

(and Adrienne if she is with you)

Well I guess they are all home now and I am waiting to hear all is well.  Another typhoon is approaching and should miss us by a 100 miles which is just right for distance.  However, no so good for rain unless is slows down.  We have caught up a lot of the shortfall on water storage and need another 15 inches to get us through the winter.  Let me know where to send a telegram for Alan's wedding and the date.  Launch picnic yesterday when the weather was perfect.  Bowling today and swimming club and have had a row of early nights.  Ian Macleod is coming in for a snack tonight and then we are off to the pictures.  Have not been very much this year but a better selection are arriving now.  Mr Martin is having fun.  Jock Ingles has been in HK since 1931 and before that Australia where he did very well.  He is most interesting when recalling past events.  Things seem quieter here at the moment but the police are active rounding people up.  I miss all my girls but time is passing well and with various people going on leave from the office and settling in the new ones shall keep occupied.

Cheerio for now and love


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