Sunday, September 3, 2017

9th May 1967

Part letter from Mum.  She mentions in the letter it is Dad's birthday hence, I know the date it was written.

But the one I've sent is quite pretty.

I shall be sending your birthday present off tomorrow but I'm afraid it won't arrive until the end of June.

I have booked our rooms at the Regent Palace Hotel as it is convenient for Dickens & Jones where I have ordered the school uniforms.  With luck we are due to arrive on Sunday, August 13th & we shall stay at the R. P. H. the nights of the 13th & 14th - travelling down to Dover on the 15th.  Susan is going to my Aunt Graces & we wondered whether you would like to have Adrienne then but if it isn't convenient it doesn't matter.  Perhaps we could all have lunch together on the 15th.  I can't do much with Elisabeth - transport is a problem until I get a car.  Anyway we will ring you as soon as we arrive.

Incidentally re the change over of your phone-numbers HK & Japan have always used the number system - we have no alphabet letters on our dial.  If we dial a HK number you just dial 5 first.

Great excitement today because it is Peter's birthday - I don't know how the girls managed to keep their secrets!  Elisabeth & Susan bought hankerchiefs, Adrienne a nail brush & Caroline a piano novelty - it pops up a cigarette when you press the keys.  I gave Peter a barometer which shows humidity etc.  I have run out of notepaper - the girls are always "borrowing" it.

We are having a fairly quiet social week which makes a pleasant change but of course the following 2 weeks parties are all coming at once.

The girls only go to school in the mornings now Elisabeth from 8.45 - 12.15 & the others 8.45 -12.45 plus Saturday mornings.  It means two runs in the car at lunch time but at least it cuts out the afternoon trip.

We were all vaccinated yesterday & now have the cholera shots to be done.  Peter has got passports for C. A & S so they are feeling very grown-up.  They are looking forward to boarding school - hop they are as keen once they start!

I mush finish now - it's nearly time to start my chauffering!

Love from us all

Margo Peter & the girls

Have put in some photos - the coloured ones didn't turn out as well as they did on the slides.

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