Monday, September 4, 2017

Letter from Dover

21, Courtland Ave,

My dear Mum & Dad,

My apologies for not answering your letter before but I waited until we had seen Mr Lloyd Roberts on Friday in case we had more news.  Elisabeth and I have spent the weekend with friends in Goring & had a lovely time.  They have recently purchased at £9000 so you can guess it is really beautiful!

I am trying to write this - & answer Elisabeth's questions at the same time so I not really sure what I'm writing!

E will be going into hospital but we have no definite date & it's just a question of waiting until we hear from the hospital.  In the meantime arrangements are being made with regards to schooking.

The arrangements for the wedding sound fine & I shall come up on Thursday afternoon - shall probably call in on my cousin at Orpington for lunch.

My father has a badly bruised foot & still cannot walk - he was only using the kitchen steps & slipped off the first step - 6" from the ground.

The girls went off to school happily & I have had a nice letter from the headmistress to say that they have settled well.  The school has abandoned half-term & the girls can come home 2 weekends a term - from 10 am Saturday until 15 mins before bedtime on Sunday.

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