Monday, September 4, 2017

26th Aug 67

Written on HSBC air letter from Kowloon branch

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

Thank you for your letter, am glad to know they have arrived and all is well.  I have not heard from Alan and cannot imagine how he addressed the letter as with the bank name on it, it must find me at some time.  Perhaps it is coming by sea.  Perhaps you could decide on which of the items mentioned for Alan we could get.  Let Diana choose the make etc so it is exactly the one wanted and I will send you a cheque.  I will let Margo know I am arragin this.  My letters to Margo are now on tape - We both have small recorders and it is most useful to switch on to record something just when it is remembered as I have done now.  We have all the water we want at the moment and a hot bath is a pleasure, am going to have one in a few moments as have a bridge evening here.  Someone has sent me 2 1/2 lbs of smoked salmon in one piece - unsliced so am not sure what to do.  No other news at present, it is all at your end at the moment and I am waiting to catch up on events after Dakar.

Cheerio for now and all my love


P. S.  Margo mentioned she had found a present for Dad in S. Africa so he will now have two - which will make for those missed in the past.  Let me know the cost of the shirt.

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