Monday, September 4, 2017

27th July 1967

The Hongkong & Shanghai Bank
27th July 1967

Dear Mum, Dad and Alan,

I have had a letter from Margo from Singapore and they should reach Bombay this weekend.  Apparently the trip so far has been smooth and peaceful and the girls are enjoying themselves, eating enormous meals and E is walking on deck in the mornings.  I have now heard that I shall get may leave in March which suits me as then I have the six best months for a holiday.  Jan & Feb are not very attractive as a rule.  Have been quite busy in the office.  There is always something cropping up and with the troubles more of the Portuguese staff are emigrating.  We are training up Chinese more these days but until they have experience we are at a loss for supervisors.  While getting into gear for the computer and arranging for the more exact methods the system will require it is trying to loose a trained man from any team that has been built up.  In between we slip in the normal day's work.  However, am not overworking and seldom work as late as a year or so ago as either through streamlining or improved methods it is no longer necessary.

Margo mentioned she had won 30/- at Bingo on the ship and I picked up $70 at poker last Saturday, finishing at 3 am on the Sunday.  It was an amusing evening with nine of us from the bank being a farewell for one of the juniors going on posting to Hamburg.  I have forgotten what I have written about lately but Margo had a glorious farewell dinner given by Jock Ingles (?) at Penisular, finishing with anice cream cake with "Bon Voyage" decorations, champagne and the orchestra playing a farewell tune.  It was quite a send off.  Jock is an old resident of Hong Kong and has made his fortune here and in China and has always "looked after" members of the staff in Kowloon and he has a soft spot for the children too.  I was at a wedding on Saturday - the invitation only arrived that morning and quite unexpected.  Sandy McCardle who I shared the mess with in Penang.  He is off to Bangkok today on a posting so has had to rush everything.  So I had a very relaxed Sunday at the swimming club and soaked up a lot of sunshine.

Cheerio for now and love


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